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So tell me about night skiing at blue....


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So my oldest wants to go night skiing and has a half day coming up this week.  Storm will push it back to weds, or thurs....


Is the whole mountain lit?  How are the crowds typically mid week.


I imagine they will be pretty heavy this week with the snow.  


But if we got on the mountain by say 4, skied till 8 on weds?....I imagine things get crowded around 5-6?


Do they run all the lifts?


I haven't been night skiing since 1988 on a hill in Ohio....pretty psyched for this....


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Whole mtn lit but there are always a few lights out. They run everything but the quad.


Nights are a real mixed bag, either you get good snow all to yourself or you get total shit snow all to yourself. Generally isn't crowded, school groups are there en masse but they also leave by about 8. They can make it feel crowded lol but I ride alot of nights and crowds are never an issue.


Friday is a whole different beast stay away from Blue on Friday night, is a mother fuckiing legit shit show.


Snow this week should be pretty good, natural should keep it soft and no thaw which will really help.


Wed 4 - 8 should be decent soft snow, pretty smooth, around 5 some more people show up but you'll wait at most 1min for the lifts. School groups out of the house around 8.

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whole place is "lit" - lighting sucks and night skiing sucks in general. the place gets crowded when there are ski clubs but if schools are closed so are the clubs. the earlier you get there the better. when it comes down to it, though, its still skiing and you will be with your kid so enjoy the neon lights and some scraped off areas while you can.

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Toast dislikes night skiing and JLaw loves it...lol. School kids really just clog up lazy mile, the park, the lodge and the liftline. They aren't on most of the trails. Conditions at night are generally worse than during the day as they don't regroom. Despite all that I've never regretted going at night. Worst night skiing conditions are days when it's above freezing. Also right at sunset the lighting is really bad. Is best when it's pitch black.

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Toast dislikes night skiing and JLaw loves it...lol.


lol night skiing is alot like butt sex, some people just will never get used to it being different.


Clear lenses make night skiing infinitely better (they make day skiing almost unbearable lol)


It can be pretty firm but it can also be the best snow because it's cold. Even if it's firm at least it's fast then, blue is pretty low angle in the grand scheme of things, lazy when soft is pretty boring but when it's a fast its way way more interesting.

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Night skiing for me is usually something like this 

  • go in top lodge to put boots on
  • get beer while putting boots on
  • get another beer
  • get another beer
  • get another beer
  • ask buddies if they want to take a run
  • get another beer
  • get another beer
  • take boots off
  • head home
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Night skiing for me is usually something like this 

  • go in top lodge to put boots on
  • get beer while putting boots on
  • get another beer
  • get another beer
  • get another beer
  • ask buddies if they want to take a run
  • get another beer
  • get another beer
  • take boots off
  • head home



very accurate. i think i remember that, but its a little fuzzy. want to get another beer?

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