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Terrain Park Improvements????


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Raceway : Next to the nastar course, with a decent lift that would service only the two parallel parks.  Then they could have one set of park nazi's, and two "levels" of park.




I agree, good location, that would keep all the park rats and maniac racers in one coralled manageable location!! :lol

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That was my suggestion two years ago. I didn't go down raceway once the whole year its pointless and the trail is soooooooooo wide it has so much potential.



Actually the trail is really nice as it is. It's out of the way, a perfect cruiser trail, lots of pitch changes, and as you mentioned so wide. Raceway really would make the best park out of any trail on the mountain but to say it is useless just isn't right. If for nothing else you can get untouched groomed corduroy at 8 pm on raceway.


Also, there in my eyes there is more to picking park locations than simply the terrain of the hill. As I mentioned before two parks on the east side of the mountain would reek havoc on it. The trail system sucks to begin with because everything is funneled through Ceasar. As I mentioned before the tripple is garbage. The laurel park lift works out because no one wants to hike across birches, and tut doesn't give you the full run. Also the park is super short so the wait isn't bad. On the other hand, it's faster to use the quad to take laps on rhodo than the raceway tripple. Also, the laurel lift is dual purpose, if it is running than beginners need not take the quad. Taking laps on the raceway tripple/rhodo is mind numbing. Laps through the park from the Stevenson aren't too bad if there crowds aren't there, but if both parks make their way to the east side of the mountian things will get VERY UGLY. On the plus side... the west side of the mountain will be nice and clear. It may mean on ski club nights the mountain is more tolerable, because there is a place to get away from them.

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I think he was referring to the high moron to park skier/rider ratio moreso than any specific people who ride the park. I ride the park almost every time I'm at the mountain. I have lots of friends that ride the park, but there are LOTS of knuckle heads (IMO) in the park.

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That triple is garbage,



It may be slow, but it's almost always got the shortest queues.


Raceway is far from pointless, it's great place to get some big fast sweeping turns in, even better when the race course isn't set up.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Raceway perfic swich trail. I don't see why you guys are so instersed in seeing if there park will change cus it won't I evan offered to hand draw a digram of how the park should look.



If their lack of interest in accepting your hand drawn diagram is anything like your spelling, no wonder the park won't change.


second thought... if 12 year boys are offering advice about how CB can improve - C'mon CB, wise up! 12 yr olds eager to help...?



This isn't Katrina.. you have alot more notice of the storm approaching!! you have resources on site and you have tons of volunteers waiting to assist ....

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