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Razors, nice snow, parking lot wars...mud season...March 8th..2015

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Hey all,


I'm back from a fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain at 7:28AM after like 3 hours of sleep due to closing down the bar last night and a time change...In the house were Indigio, Atomic Jeff, Johnny Law, Phillycore, TP4, VTMark, JFBBDan and alot of Tom Dick and Harry's. Razors was open initially and I got two runs on that and it was good except the whoop dee doos are annoying. Nightmare to Dreamweaver was nice softish cord..challenge opened late and was poor grooming on the top mini cookies and good from the middle down. Main Street and Switchback were both good as well.


There was a skiercross event which made lazy mile the full mile only along with no crossover to homestretch which mead shuttl and lower park extra conjested. Paradise was pretty good but a little slow..snow from 8-10-15 was full on winter snow but I'm guessing now with temperatures in the low 40s it's becoming spring like.


I hungout in the parking lot for as long as I skied. When I first got to the lot I was told that while I was in the bathroom some goober tried to park way on the end of the row with half of his car sticking out into the travel lane out of the parking lot. The person I guess was told by a PASR that he'd prob get towed for that as it would block hundreds of cars. Well a minute later as I was debooting the same guy asked if I would move my car over along with atomic Jeff's closer so he could scooch his X5 in. I said no and he didnt accept that and just stared then called me an asshole and said if I had kids I'd understand and his wife and kids were already out of the car.


So the jack hole who thought he could use pushiness to get a prime parking spot at 1030am ended up parking across blue mountain drive about 150 yards away and then walking all the way to tubing where he could have parked in the first place and I guess tubing was beyond crowded and some went in and just left. I wonder if they ran out of rentals. Anyway people were asking what other places they could tube at. People are dumbasses and wanted exact directions to bear creek I said look it up in your phone as I heard people talking about turning at the turkey hill and suggestions to go to Shawnee wow just wow shit was hectic woo.


The parking lot was getting muddy Matt edge is out now on an rib injury and me AJeff and J Law ended up going to covered bridge inn. Was a good ski day. Better conditions than yesterday morning almost equal crowds and a little drama in the lot.

Edited by GrilledSteezeSandwich
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After you guys left..

VT Mark, TP4 and I headed back out..... The vip line at the quad made it so we could just lap shit without any real wait at all even though people were overheard saying that they were there for 2 hours and only got 3 runs in. Sux for them. VT Mark and I hit up the glades which skied awesome nice and soft. We lost tp4 somehow along the way. Awesome Spring conditions straight hero snow. Ran into nastar Glenn and rolled out just about 4. On the ride home I tried to grab a coffee at the DD but they were out of syrup.....so no go. Grabbed up a hot n ready little caesars pizza in Chester instead as I was hungry as fuck.....in my ski pants and crocs. Luckily I didn't get shot for poor fashion sense as 99 percent of the clientele was wearing bb shorts with their boxers hanging out at the top and tims

. All in all a excellent day.

Edited by phillycore
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I was in the bathroom some goober tried to park way on the end of the row with half of his car sticking out into the travel lane out of the parking lot. The person I guess was told by a PASR that he'd prob get towed for that as it would block hundreds of cars. Well a minute later as I was debooting the same guy asked if I would move my car over along with atomic Jeff's closer so he could scooch his X5 in. I said no and he didnt accept that and just stared then called me an asshole and said if I had kids I'd understand and his wife and kids were already out of the car.


Probably had jersey plates on too. Fly fishing has these ass holes too. Glad you handled nonchalantly.

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Probably had jersey plates on too. Fly fishing has these ass holes too. Glad you handled nonchalantly.

Yes jersey plates...he did have a BMW so probably successful in business. I thought it was funny that he said to me wait till you have kids one day. First of all I'm 35...most guys my age already have kids so how did he know I don't have kids...I actually think I'm gonna start carrying a picture of a random kid in my wallet. Maybe I can work the single dad angle with the ladies that way lol


I literally said like four words to the guy...No and park over there

Edited by GrilledSteezeSandwich
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Finally the temps came up and the sun came out and along with it came the hero snow.


Skied so many bump runs I can hardly walk this morning...


Spectacular early spring conditions.


Couldn't believe the crowds still around at 4pm!

Thank you Blue for the VIP lines!

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Was there from about 10 to 3.  Packed. Good conditions though.


Saw the t-bar but didn't ski it. Best bumps were on chute.  


Finally skied Razors this year....always closed other wise.  Going to stowe this weekend and canada with family for spring break, so that was probably it for blue - and the pokes - for me this year.  Great season.

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I remember a couple of days two years ago that were as crowded as this....at least it felt like it.  


Wow, were those lines long....

Over 30 minutes??? It's why you can't arrive at 10am. That's when all the jersey people show up.

I got 11 runs from 8-10:15. Should have been like 15 if no lines.

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6-pack lines where all back to the end of the snow, which was a MAJOR hassle due to the event.


Quad lines were looping back up home stretch.

Had to either fight through or skate uphill a bit to go around to get to VIP line.


Both were as long as I ever saw them all the way until around 4pm, when they finally started to subside.


At least I got to have my annual waffle with chocolate this weekend!

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stoked to see Doug on the Mantras yesterday, usually i see him rocking some giant fucking fat skis.  mantras are the best ski in the world and it was good to see Doug realized that

Yeah it made me smile when you noticed the Mantras...a shame Matt Edge was out because I was hoping for some ski pointers from him in the parking lot. Phillycore drinks the same beers that college chicks like lol


Nice indiggio glad you had your waffle sangwich!!!!

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Damn straight.... I'll drink a fruit beer all day........BTW aren't those the same college chicks that be turning you down every night in the bar after you're buying them Shandy's?

Nah those girls drink TTC6's favorite beers...Bud Light Lime!!! I wish the college chicks were out every night..only Wednesdays and Saturdays mostly.

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