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12/26..pretty empty..


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Hey All,


I'm back from another session at Blue mountain. I arrived at the lower or at 722am and there were guns blasting all over the place. VTMark, MBike Mike, Toast, Atomic Jeff, Indiggio, Slim and George were all in the house. First civilian 6-pack and my first time on the six pack this season. Challenge had a skiff of new blown snow on the top but lower down was firm and chunky. Paradise and lazy were carpets early on and Main Street was great on top and kind of rough mini cookies bottom half. We did one run to Burma and back and that had pretty nice snow.


We then pretty much repeated most of the runs and I ended up skiing a final run down challenge and was out of there before 10am. First day this season I didn't end my session with some beer but tomorrow when it's 50 and sunny will be a good time to chill in the lot and by this weekend it will be back to full on PASR days.

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Clouds, fog, drizzle, mist all afternoon along with a slight rise in temps made the snow softer at the expense of visibility. Top half of the mountain socked in, but mid down to base is still pretty nice.


Barney's were wonderful in the morning, nice soft snow and very good grooming on them. Unfortunately by late morning, all the soft was pushed to the bumps and the in-between was slick and hard.


Moved on to skiing the Matt edges along Main Street which had some very nice snow.


Knees feeling it by 4pm and with absolutely horrible visibility, called it a day.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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