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Well, I have been to Elk a good many times and there is no problem with the pitch. They have a solid park set up, but they squeeze everything in. It needs to be a bit longer. The way they set it up last year, is they had 3 jumps and a spine. The jumps were set up on the right side, 2 tables and one kicker. The spine was closest to the woods. The rails are a different story. They are lined up on the left hand side of the trail. The first is your standard box, the second is a triple barrel rainbow, the third a battleship, and the fourth a 25 foot long striaght rail. They construct their jumps well... I was getting about 5 feet of air off the first table... Not so much vert you could pull a backflip, but great air. Speed was not a problem. They put a hill in front of the first jump that you go down to speed up.


its good to see they are investing more time into their parks, i went there two years ago and nearly left bc of their park, if it wasn't for their great snow conditions. A good drop in is always the key, so thanks for answering my question. Is that the spot they had the park last year?


Yeah, thats the smae spot. It has the potential to connect to the lehigh trail if they wanted to lengthen it, it wouldnt be too difficult. That would make it a pretty sweet park. I love elks park and the whole mountain just because of its isolation, there's never any crowds. Plus, with this new lift, you won't have to take a 10 minute lift ride back to the peak every time you wanna hit the park.


i loved that about elk... no people, and very isolated... prob y the conditions are so nice. And about that lift, I wouldn't mind takin a trip up there to check things out, as much as i hike, im used to mountains where the parks have their own lifts. no better way to ride, than to take those laps through the park


Not to be hard as seeing montages park isnt good, but elk is terrible for park. They have 3 foot high kickers and a 20 foot gap to the maybe 5 foot landing. Park is way to small there. It isnt even a full trail long. The only nice thing are there rails which are pretty good. Its nice though, that they are putting in a surface lift.


You gotta give elk a break tho cuz theyre just kinda gettin into the wwhole park scene recently. Compared to like 3 years ago, their park is great. Pesonally, I've found the jumps to be decent, they're nothing spectacular, but I have gotten enough air there to really screw myself up when I wiped out. Then again, I'd rather have decent jumps without having to wait 20 minutes to drop than to wait and hit a monster jump, but thats just my personal preference. I liked the drop-in they had last year for the first jump. They definately have a lot of potential for their park expansionwise. It looks like they have started to make it wider and maybe a bit longer. Given some time, I think Elk could have a legit park.


it seems to me, that in putting in a small lift for the park it will be hard to expand in the future. quite possibly, they don't want to expand and this is just a ploy to keep park rats off the other trails. I think its smart in doing that, I love parks that are completely separated from the other trails. Its just why build a lift when you might want to expand the park in future seasons? looks like that park will be the same for a few seasons...


I think that surface lift is going to be great in that park. Its not all that big, which makes me want to actually hike it, but I do get tired after one or two hikes. A bigger park like the ones at every other mountain are just too big for me to justify hiking at all.


I don't really know for sure, but I thought that surface lifts are a sort of modular device that you could add sections onto. If that were the case, the trail and lift could be easily expanded by adding onto the lift. It would make sense to do build a lift like that that way, especially in an area like Elk's park so it can still be useful in the future.


It's good to hear that they are improving the park. I does stand to reason that if they have a park area serviced by its own lift that the ppublic will quickly demand better features. It also help to keep all the park rats corralled in one area. I think that that is one huge step in the right direction.


wow how i love reading about all these local mts improving their parks..



anywho clashboy let me know how Elks park is when you get back.. i need a change here and there.. so this year im hitting every mountain around here


No problem dominant! Anyways just found out if they do open up on the 8th its a Thursday and that wont fly to well w/ the rents.I might not be hitting the mt. till that weekend now. Hopefully that will allow more time for some better features to be put up in the park!

  • 3 weeks later...

back in 99 and 00 elk had some sick jumps. Brad was the groomer and he made some super nice, tight lipped 25-30 fters on the main trail. Once brad left it all went downhill. glad to hear their coming back around again


Elk has new pics of the lift and the park area on their site. It looks like its a tow, for some reason I was imagining a carpet lift. They also said that their park is gonna open this weekend.

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