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Ok folks as you know I've been injured for a while and haven't been able to get out there, how have the conditions been? Let me know what I've been missing, because I should be back on the slopes soon! Tell me some stories about this season and whatnot, I'm dying here...


it has been a little wet but i tshould be getting colder


one ski trip i was boarding and my friend who skis and rides (much better at sking) he was boarding

were going down a black at elk and were speeding down it. All of a sudden 20 yards infront of me he falls and i stop to see if hes ok and so he gets up and starts going down and this other kid i know showing off fell on his face and i was laughing so hard i did a flip forward and my board went over my head and i smaked my hip really hard and slid down the steeper part of the trail. when my friend stopped to see if i was allright he said that that was the crasiest wipe out he had ever seen. I was still laughing when i got up.:ballin

just had to tell somone

Posted (edited)

went up monday, condtions were "sugga" as jeff calls it. loose granular for the rest of the world. so anyway, on monday i was cruising up sully. me and this dude. he's rockin a pair of tight black sweat pants (whole in left knee i believe). rental skis. those hunting mittens that the mitten part folds back so u can fire a gun or a bow at ur animal of choice. missing one front tooth as well. so if his get up isn't humerous enough he starts telling me that it seems like snowboarding (in his opinion) must be pretty easy to do. already a bit irritated at a nieve comment like that i start defending snowboarding as a whole so that this guy dosen't go back to his trailer and tell his 30 kids to go try snowboarding cause it's easy (after all the death toll at CB this year is already high enough if you ask me). he then asks if i have tried the terrain park, and i give him the answer of "yea i was just there, it is pretty nice this year". he then says "yea it looks super neato". thank god we were just about at the top because i was able to hold in my laughter until i got off the lift. anyway, thats my funny story.

Edited by Jibophonic

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