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Hunter 11-19


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Well then stop trying to prove your point. As you have seen your not gonna win the fight with 999. I am with him on this one, but if you want to save yourself some time , just quit.


It's cool, montageskier...if you spend a lot of time at Hunter, you end up defensive and angry more than is healthy. I'll try and be nicer about Hunter and you try and keep from having him kick yer butt :D


JK...I bet he decides to wander over to the GS course that day...

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It's cool, montageskier...if you spend a lot of time at Hunter, you end up defensive and angry more than is healthy. I'll try and be nicer about Hunter and you try and keep from having him kick yer butt :D


JK...I bet he decides to wander over to the GS course that day...


never - don't race... Although I may work on the race crew if needed for the NORAM(or whatever it is)... I'll gladly go to Tuckermans with you that weekend and share a beer above the headwall...


I'm only defensive because I live here and want to fight back at some of the things you guys said that I believe are gross exagerations......

I don't know why you can't get that through your head???



Well then stop trying to prove your point. As you have seen your not gonna win the fight with 999. I am with him on this one, but if you want to save yourself some time , just quit.


I know I can't win an argument with 999.... not even with solid photagraphic proof AND firsthand accounts from people who frequent this board...


you - I could care less about... You seem like a punk ass kid to me...



Ski999, would you rather have Montage as your home mountain than Hunter? I sense a little jeolousy.



You can't be jealous about something you hate so much that you have to lie about it to prove your own hatred more then is healthy..... :lol:

Edited by DMC
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I did think the quotes from eopinions.com were pretty week. I wish I had Hunter in my backyard over Blue mountain and I could do night skiing at Windham.


I've read those... It's so typical... Stems from some intermediate skier that got jammed into the only 2 easy way down from the top... Probably fell in front of his kids or girlfriend and was embarassed...

Took it out on Hunter based upon stuff he's heard from people like 999.....


In a way I should thank these people ....

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Ski999, would you rather have Montage as your home mountain than Hunter? I sense a little jeolousy.


Hey, that's a fair question. And the answer is absolutely. I love Montage. You do know that Montage is 1000ft vert, right? (My home hill is 125...)


I love pulling into the lot and parking 20 feet from were I click into my skis. My favorite race event is GS and Boomer is a perfect pitch to run GS turns. And Montage's expert area, the North Face, is completely separate from the rest of the hill. The lifts are slow, but don't take long, since there's no runouts; you basically just travel right up the headwalls for laps.


And despite what the Greek Peak guy said, White Lightning is a true black diamond---if you crash on the headwall, you generally don't stop until you are at the bottom.


I'd choose Montage over any Catskills area.


I don't know if you saw DMC's pics from Saturday (I believe they were his, but they might have been on the actual Hunter site), but that's busier than a midwinter weekday at Montage's North Face.


Lastly, I can take my 5-year-old skiing ANY day at Montage; I'd never take her to Hunter on a weekend. That in itself is enough for me to choose a home hill.

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Wow i was agreeing with you to. Thats the problem with people who are older they think they are a king, well if you have the balls, then do something if i come up to Hunter next week.


Never... Don't come up... Your the type of brat that gives us a bad name.....



Lastly, I can take my 5-year-old skiing ANY day at Montage; I'd never take her to Hunter on a weekend. That in itself is enough for me to choose a home hill.


Thats a great reason!

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