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me and my friend are headin up.. it starts at 5 and ends at 6:30 then theres a movie after it..




anyone else plannin on goin up? registration is free with lift ticket or seasons pass


NIpples is doing the Roundtop Jam that night.



nice i wanna say this is just a snowboarder rail jam but im not sure let me check anyways...



tell him i said good luck on that


Right off their website.. theres the info if anyone wanted to know



December 23, 2005

Red Bull "Community Project" Movie Premiere

Join Mountain Creek, Red Bull and Oakley Friday night for some fun under the lights competing for great Oakley gear at the Holiday Showdown Rail Jam. After the Jam, head to the Hex Lounge for the award ceremony and showing of the highly anticipated snowboard movie from "The Community Project."



Time: 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Location: At the competition area at the base of the halfpipe.

Cost: At no cost. Entry is absolutely free with a Mountain Creek season pass or a lift ticket.

Process: All participants will be required to fill out both a non-inverted aerial waiver, as well as a Mountain Creek waiver at the registration desk.

NOTE: If a competitor is under the age of 18, he/she will need to have a parent present to sign their waiver.


Participant Limit: Up to 80 competitors, on a first come first serve basis.


Rail Jam Time: 5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

Rail Jam Location: Sugar Terrain Park


Movie Time: 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Movie Location: Hex Lounge located at the Vernon base area


Award Time: 8:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

Award Location: Hex Lounge located at the Vernon base area


For Movie Press Release Information visit http://oakley.com/about/tcp/


I'll tell Nips you said good luck - he will need it, there's some talent over there.


I added the MC event to our Calendar, thanks for the heads up. If you come across any other events you want to get the word out on. Please let me know.


does anybody know what terrain runs will be open for friday??



well they just opened Vernon Peak today but the main parks not open yet.. but they have the park on South Peak open.. with 5 jibs and 2 hits



but as for the comp i have no idea.. but they are setting up for it right under the superpipe


alright well the rail jam today was pretty sick.. just a nice flat box set up street style with a nice ollie pad up to the box... some kids were throwing down big time haha it was my first comp ever entering and it was such a good time i had so much fun




very smooth heres a pic of the set up no idea whos all inthe pic just took it quick with my phone







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