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Who went 02/04 and how was it?


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CB was Ok for me up to 3pm when it started raining - there are very thin conditions everywhere. The fog set in, Steven stayed out but came in soaking wet. I would assume that Blue is in the same condition. I am thinking it will be slushy tomorrow with lots of thin spots.

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My car said 48 degrees when I came home tonight....so the POURING rain and the warm temps + some fog surely isn't helping out the conditions...BRING THE ROCK SKIS, but otherwise, conditions were great today, and lines were nonexistance, empty chairs were going up at 11:45, i did 32 really nice runs today :)

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A ski patrol dude in Vermont told me fog is worse for the snow than rain.

yes it is worse because the water just stays in the snow from the rain it just melts. if you look at the loading and unloading ramps you can see after about 15 minutes almost all the snow is gone and those white grips start to show through.

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Yep, fog is the worst. I saw a weather chart somewhere that showed fog melting snowpack up to 70% faster than rain at certain humidity levels. Rain pelts then generally penatrates the surface, before running off; fog is like a warm, wet washcloth laying on the snow.


Scientifically speaking, fog sucks.

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It's supposed to be party cloudy with temps in the upper 30s, the rain will clear up and so will the fog. Just go....





Today: A chance of flurries after 1pm. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 43. West wind between 11 and 18 mph.


Tonight: A chance of flurries. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 24. West wind between 14 and 17 mph.

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Yeah, sorry Doug. It really pi**es me off at my house. I get told one thing and then when its time to go it never happens. The carpet guys came at 4:00 when they were supposed to be there at 8 am. To top it off my mom had enough nerve to tell me because it rained and was over 60

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I was up there saturday. I got there around 12:00-12:30. I don't remember when it started raining, but i was out in that until 6 or so. A very wet day- looked like i fell into a creek. A few slushy spots and a few bare spots here and there, but otherwise, i can't complain- snow wasn't too slow for me at all. The parks were awesome (probably because lack of traffic)- i landed a lot of new stuff. The only thing in the park I can complain about is the stairs. They were fine early, but then the rain washed them out. They need to groom the run-up for that steeper- like, they need to dig it out so a lip stays longer. That would probably scare off some stair cruisers. Overall, it was a good and very wet day.

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How is the base at blue? How deep is it?


some areas are fine and have plenty of snow and someo ther areas that get sun all day and lots of traffic are kinda sketchy. the park is closed all week and they are going to be blowing in it non-stop when temps allow for it... http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/index.p...t=0entry60103

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