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I got there around 5, and met thinksnow at the bottom, and we took a few runs together, then we saw Ski999 in the lift line, so we skied with him until it was time for NASTAR. Doug was already at the top of the course, high on his redbull. Racing tonight featured everyone from AtomicJeff, to Doug, to Ski999, mtbike mike, thinksnow, our racing friend glenn, and some ASRA racers that I was talking to. The course was certainly slick! It was good practice for the ASRA's this weekend...I only did 11k vertical, but eh, it was race night, and we had alot of fun, as always...


Fastest Times:


AtomicSkier - 23.37

Ski999 - 24.70

Glenn - 26.70

Thinksnow - 27.45

Doug - 28.70

Mtbike - 31.92


Great job everyone, it was a really tough course.....Funny how my fastest run was AGAIN my first run... :banghead I was the third fastest racer tonight, i really never felt "on" tonight...


Nice job fellas. I might be up there tomorrow night. Im dying to ride again, it's been a week... I hate being sick.


The snice - wasn't quite snow, not really ice - was giving me alot problems tonight, just couldn't get it together. I keep telling myself that skiing the the different course conditions SHould make me better, just waiitng for those results to show! Mrs. 'ski even did 2 NASTAR runs tonight, she'll be on my my heels in no time! Glenn & I Lost doug & atomic at the top of challenge. challenge was really funky with big sort of rollers from the snow making, were pretty cool to compress/decompress on - you could air/hover 4-6" above them and land and the backside before turning into the next one - kinda cool. Looking forward to the freshies this weekend! Could make for some very interesting croquet!!!! :rock


Yeah, was lots of fun tonight. I never actually ended up feeling comfortable on that course, and ended up in the woods one run, but had a ton of fun.... I guess you have to be ready for any type of snow when race day rolls around...


I've got the scratch for the weekend races, and I'll be ready to go. Hopefully I'll be bringing my own cheering section... :naughty


Yeah, looks like I really gave up my chance to beat doug tonight. I'm pissed. Oh well.


I did find something fun to do with my time tonight, though.


So, what was the problem with the course? You posted times, not handicaps, so it's hard to tell how tough it was... Anyway, it sounds like you had fun...good work to all of you who made the effort to go.


Doug, I went through a redbull phase a couple years ago, and still enjoy the red bull effect from time-to-time. I've had some great runs after it, but also some of my worst. There is a body of scientific literature that suggests it helps attention a bit, but it hasn't been tested against caffeine (only placebo). Mostly I avoid it now because it's main negative effect... There is nothing worse than waiting endlessly for one's turn with a full bladder. :blink:


I fiend for sugar free red bull as well. I've been known to buy a 4 pack in da Brook and drink 3 on my way to the mountain, saving 1 to keep me awake after I crash...


So doug, what you're really saying in this post is that I could probably beat you on ice... am I correct?

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