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Posted (edited)

Thought I'd start up an ongoing thread for updates/park reports.


2/26/06 Ice Fest #7228945

God damn. Break out the ice skates at bear. EVERYTHING was 100% ice today. Even the lift ramps. Landings from rails, boxes, jumps, etc. were just lumps of ice waiting to break your tailbone. I didn't land one thing today, with every box, rail, or jump I came off of there was a huge block of ice they call a landing waiting to snap my ass in half. Combine that with a de-tuned jib-tastic dominant, and you have a big no-no. Seriously though, I think I need a new ass :confused


Oh, and by the way, there was no features in timberline either :banghead


Cascade (From Top to Bottom):

Berm/Small Quarter Pipe

2 Hips, one on the left one on the right

Small (10-15 ft.) kicker/table with two take offs

Small Quarter Pipe

Flat box (Ride-On)

Big tube (Ride-On)

Small Flat rail (Gap-On)

Picnic Table (Ride-On)

C-box (Gap-On)

Quarter Pipe w/ mailbox

Small table

Flat down box (Gap-On)



Black Bear (From Top to Bottom):

Large Kicker, two take-offs (25-30 ft.)

Flat Down Rail (Gap-On)

J Down Box (Ride-On)

Trap Rail (Ride-On)

Urban Bar (Gap-On)

Medium Kicker (20 ft.)

Three Box Jib (setup like a trap, Gap-On)

Rainbow Box (Ride-On)

Negative/Reverse Rainbow Box (Ride-On)

Medium Kicker (15 ft.)

Big Butter Box (Gap-On)

Medium Kicker (15 ft.)

Wall Ride

S Rail (Gap-On)

Flat Rail (Gap-On)

Y rail (Ride-On)


Halfpipe: Horrible/Icy


Kiddie Park:

Small Flat box (Ride-On)


Small Table (5 ft.)

Small Flat rail (Ride-On)


There you go.

Edited by justin

I would of landed it but as soon as I came off I hit ice and slid out onto my knees/face. Everything I tried I fell on the landing because of ice. I hate PA sometimes.

  AgentRider21 said:

yeah everything was ice today it sucked, yesterday was so much better. did any one do that j rail?

Is a J rail a straight rail that curves around at the end?

Posted (edited)
  AgentRider21 said:

yeah everything was ice today it sucked, yesterday was so much better. did any one do that j rail?


The Public Enemy and I were the skiiers doing it yesterday night, if you were there at night.


Oh yeah, I guess it would be a Y rail. Public Enemy and I were calling it a split C rail, but we just made that up. They have a j-rail but it's not setup right now, sadly. I loved that thing.

Edited by lurker

Yeah I guess it is a Y-rail. Forgot about that. Or, it could be a back to back J-rail, or a Garfield mouth rail, or a flat to c to c rail, whatever.


that J rail was pretty messed up...they kinda had it on the rong angle and the last part where it shoots u off was really sudden...and not only where the conditions crappy today, i couldnt make it down a run with out being cut off somewhere by some little kid followed by mom and dad


so now that we have all said how icey and horrible it was tonight i do not have to say it. but i will. def. too icey to do any thing. the rail at the end is a y rail. and the new box every one is talking about is called a sliding board. it looked really sketchy. i'll hit it on a warm day when the consequences for falling are not as bad.

  Doug said:

When I go to Bear Creek sometime soon, this is the section of the park I'm going to session.

Medium Kicker (15 ft.)

Big Butter Box (Gap-On)

Medium Kicker (15 ft.)

Wall Ride

Spread eagle off the first kicker tail grab switch spread off the box of movie theater butter...then straight air off the last kicker....up the wall ride, and if my arms healed...throw my poles to the side and do a few pull ups off the top of the wall ride...than grind the picnic table. When do spring rates go into effect at Bear Creak?



if they stay open long enough - which some people say they will try to do - ill be up there with you doug. we can shred the gnar together haha.

  swdorsey said:

who said it was bad... it got icy but so does every place under those conditions... the only thing not up to par was the pipe


? when does Icey equal best conditions of the season.... we aren't sking in South Carolina.


I rode with Justin and damn, had to be one of the iciest days I've ever ridden in my life!


I felt really off.. I seemed to get zero grip coming off of every rail/box. Of course, I was the genius who was rounding off my edges a bit in the parking lot before I rode (since last week I felt they were too sharp.)


I don't think the pipe was in too bad of shape - it felt rideable to me, not that I'm pulling anything more than a foot or two with a method grab in there :)


yeah I went tonight with my friend, and it was our worst sesh of the season. we both ate it so many times. I had a feeling it would be like that though. I was saying how I was just gonna cruise around because it just didnt feel like a good night to try anything. Low and behold, first run, I tried to hit the picnic table and I caught an edge or something (standard thing to say when you dont know why you fell) and whacked my head on the ground.

  sectachrome said:

Low and behold, first run, I tried to hit the picnic table and I caught an edge or something (standard thing to say when you dont know why you fell) and whacked my head on the ground.


Either that or the ol' look-down-and-tighten-up-the-binders move. "Damn loose bindings!"

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