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Answer for Times-Tribune Editorial


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There is a Scranton Times-Tribune editorial online that is centered around this HUGE question they want answered:


"The commissioners explored a sale several years ago but did not proceed when no offer reached the minimum price of $9.6 million. What prompted the decision to waive that price? And, once the price was waived, why not launch another broad-based sale effort in order to achieve the highest possible price, even if it still is less than what is owed?"


Why the fuck doesn't the newspaper editorial board know that the reason is that the ski area is only appraised at a little over $4million?


Hey editors: I'd like to sell my house for $9.6million, too. Think I should hold out for it, even if it falls apart?


Just freaking brilliant....rocket scientists.

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If they advertise Montage like they have Elk, then they'd be all set. Elk has given the world the impression that it has some mysterious fluffy snowfalls, worth driving the extra distance. Montage is MUCH more convenient than Elk for almost everyone; 10 minutes rather than 30 for the vast majority of skiers/riders.


The problem is that new ownership always creates a buzz and will give Elk some really hard days ahead, even with little effort.


If Sno Mountain LLC offers a cheap student rate---that Lackawanna was crazy for not already having---Elk is in BIG trouble.

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Montage does have extra terrain but its not owned by them.If the owner buys montage the buys the extra terrain over by fast track it would be soo nice.


Over by fast track is where me and my friend's tree runs are haha.


I imagine Long Haul being shut down and rusting would be a major embarassment to new owners...maybe an upgrade and with some new fittings it could be run at nearly twice the current speed. That would make the woods a little more fun to get to and do laps through 'em...

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I imagine Long Haul being shut down and rusting would be a major embarassment to new owners...maybe an upgrade and with some new fittings it could be run at nearly twice the current speed. That would make the woods a little more fun to get to and do laps through 'em...

Those are the best woods in the world after some good snow. The best part is that since its hard to get to, they stay fresh for a long time. I hope that doesn't get messed up from a better long haul.

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Ski tone down the language...this is a family site.. :nana


$9.6 million is 240 percent more than the appraised value...imagine the laughs I'd get if I tryed to sell my car for 40-50 grand.. :rofl or my skis for over a grand...or if a case of budweiser was 40 bucks.. :o I haven't commented on the sale of Montage but the commissioners are stupid. In hindsight $3.5 million would have been a great price due to the losses Montage has had.


I see Montage having a difficult time surviving due to the location. Unless the Wilkes Barre/Scranton population grows and becomes more affluent. People coming from Philly can hit Bear Creak or Blue mountain..or Big Boulder/Jack Frost very easily. A die hard skier might venture to Elk..Drive time from the Philly suburbs to Montage is only about 30 minutes longer than to Blue mountain because it's all highway but Montage looks so much farthur away on a map. Montage is also kind of far away for the North Jersey crowd. Back when I skied Montage for my 2nd of two total times back in 1994, Montage was way more modern than Blue mountain...back then Blue only had doubles..and they had more trails..and lift capacity. I remember that weekend day being busy...the 1993-94 season was one of the best PA seasons though. Does Montage have anymore terrain for future expansion?



yo doug i personaly know one of the ppl that tryed to by montage for a large sum i beleave around 9 millon he is a rictor bee his fother and a bonch of other ppl tryed to buy it but they were the first offerer 2 or 3 years ago and offerd i beleave 9 but montage sed no because it was worth waht they sed 11 something mill so they backed out shortly after or befor they were the owners of eagle rock facility for a year and got it back on their feet by working on the park and just getting the word out their of the mtn. i think that a combonation of new lifts and GOOD PARK will attract many new people to come and join us skiing at montage n with in 2 years ticket sales would be on the up and eventually they could and probably would jack up the prices on every thing..........i donno but im going to be at the press meeting n i think thier may bee some new offers for the mtn comeing up soon lets hope!!!!! something needs to happen I LOVE THAT SHITTY MTN! where would i go with out it elks like 45 min away n it blows neways




Those are the best woods in the world after some good snow. The best part is that since its hard to get to, they stay fresh for a long time. I hope that doesn't get messed up from a better long haul.



you right in good seasons theirs awesome woods skiing and if montage wasnt pussys n alowed glade skiing (woods sking) i think that could also invite more ppl we need a big owner to come in thhis year and develop the back side of the mtn theirs plenty or room ive accually hiked up n skied the back side of montage its decent steep ness and i also ride my quad their in the summer and ive been known to ski under the cannonball lift and let me tell you that is deff the best skiing at montage i must say they need to make that a tripple dimond n open it for other experts because theirs nice small cliff drops n u can easally fit a snow machine in their to make it nice but thats just my opnion



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The investor group that was turned down with the $9 million bid says they are a little pissed and still interested. Wasn't one of the main investors indicted in Philly on a "pay for play" money scandal? It sounds like Snow Mountain LLC has a ton more money, but I'm not picky about who buys it, just as long as it stays running.


Tonight's meeting is still ON, according to the newspaper.

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