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It is a bummer your not a nikon guy ski. I shoot professionaly as well, and i'm all nikon and love it. I can understand though that going back and forth is a pain. The d70 is nice though, i actually use one every now and again at work. I used a d200 for a little bit, and for the price of it i found it wasn't worth it. At that point you may as well buy a d2x.

i won't go back to cannon. i had a 35mm rebel and can't stand all the plastic. my gear gets tossed around a lot, and i don't want it to go down because a plastic part broke.

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It is a bummer your not a nikon guy ski. I shoot professionaly as well, and i'm all nikon and love it. I can understand though that going back and forth is a pain. The d70 is nice though, i actually use one every now and again at work. I used a d200 for a little bit, and for the price of it i found it wasn't worth it. At that point you may as well buy a d2x.

i won't go back to cannon. i had a 35mm rebel and can't stand all the plastic. my gear gets tossed around a lot, and i don't want it to go down because a plastic part broke.


It also came down to which cameras you wanted to lug around...and before DSLR's, newspaper photographers rarely used zoom lenses, because of the drop in quality wide open. So you had three bodies everywhere you went. I still use the Canon T90s for about 60% of my work. Rugged? Two have repair stickers in the film wells that are dated from when I sent them off in the early 1990's.

Canon T90

Nikon F3HP&Md4motor

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I don't know too much about lens compatibility between manufacturers. My dad has an older SLR Olympus with some good lenses, but I doubt they'd fit on the D70. Am I correct in assuming this?


You're right. Lens mounts are unique among each manufacturer. Even independant lens makers like Sigma, Tamron, and Vivitar have to make a different mount for each different brand of camera.

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You're right. Lens mounts are unique among each manufacturer. Even independant lens makers like Sigma, Tamron, and Vivitar have to make a different mount for each different brand of camera.


I sold my Nikon D50 for a Canon 20D. I shot w/ the Nikon for awhile, and grew out of it quickly. I need some lenses for the 20D. Here are some shots from recent photoshoot I did for a friend at the Bethlehem steel site....










I only have a crappy lense for the 20D, so when I get some decent ones, I'll be able to compare them more easilly, but even w/ a crappy lense, the 20d is amazing.

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B&H is very reputable, and actually has a pretty competitive price for the D70S.


Nikon D70S


i found a better price here i don't know what it comes with though. :confused


I sold my Nikon D50 for a Canon 20D. I shot w/ the Nikon for awhile, and grew out of it quickly. I need some lenses for the 20D. Here are some shots from recent photoshoot I did for a friend at the Bethlehem steel site....

I only have a crappy lense for the 20D, so when I get some decent ones, I'll be able to compare them more easilly, but even w/ a crappy lense, the 20d is amazing.

Nice pictures atomic jeff :rock

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I sold my Nikon D50 for a Canon 20D. I shot w/ the Nikon for awhile, and grew out of it quickly. I need some lenses for the 20D. Here are some shots from recent photoshoot I did for a friend at the Bethlehem steel site....










I only have a crappy lense for the 20D, so when I get some decent ones, I'll be able to compare them more easilly, but even w/ a crappy lense, the 20d is amazing.

I hate you. :banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead When you come to montage again this winter your bringing that and getting pics of me :rofl
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Here's some stats from a pic i took w/ the camera:

Width 2048

Height 1536

Resolution 314 dpi

So that's 3 megapixels. Not bad, but not the best. I was shooting indoors w/o flash, so they're pretty grainy, but i imagine outdoors, they'd turn out nicer. :wiggle

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I hate you. :banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead When you come to montage again this winter your bringing that and getting pics of me :rofl


Your best bet is to PM Mtnbiker99x. He's a professional photog as well, but he's got the ultimate gear. I think he bought a MarkII 1DS if I recall (i know he was thinking about it) and he has a 20d as a backup cam, but alll his lenses are 2.8's, he shot me skiing at CB, and shortly there after a CD arrived in my mailbox with over 100 uber high resolution pics of me :lol:


But as long as I can get back up to montage for free, ski999 and i could both go at it, and see how gets the bets shots :rofl

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Your best bet is to PM Mtnbiker99x. He's a professional photog as well, but he's got the ultimate gear. I think he bought a MarkII 1DS if I recall (i know he was thinking about it) and he has a 20d as a backup cam, but alll his lenses are 2.8's, he shot me skiing at CB, and shortly there after a CD arrived in my mailbox with over 100 uber high resolution pics of me :lol:


But as long as I can get back up to montage for free, ski999 and i could both go at it, and see how gets the bets shots :rofl


Get me in for free too, and i'll through my shots into contention.


Jeff the reason u grew out of the d50 so fast is because that camera is garbage.

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i found a better price here i don't know what it comes with though. :confused

Nice pictures atomic jeff :rock


Researched the company your link took me to. Sounds like they are widely known as one of the worst electronics retailers on the web. Whole articles dedicated to peoples terrible experiences with them...

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Get me in for free too, and i'll through my shots into contention.


Jeff the reason u grew out of the d50 so fast is because that camera is garbage.


You're garbage :nana OR is it garbage because it's a Nikon :o


Those pics I posted where with the D50. pWnz nUbz :wiggle


Researched the company your link took me to. Sounds like they are widely known as one of the worst electronics retailers on the web. Whole articles dedicated to peoples terrible experiences with them...


B&H ftw.

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You're garbage :nana OR is it garbage because it's a Nikon :o


Those pics I posted where with the D50. pWnz nUbz :wiggle

B&H ftw.

I'm garbage? I work full time (when not in school) for a professional studio...hmmm


As far as the pics you posted... you could get that same quality from a decent point and shoot. They are great shots... but don't forget you are taking STILL shots of a good looking car in front of one of the most over used backdrops in the lehigh valley. Again, i'm not trying to insult you, but being a professional photographer is an entirely differtent ball game. I am sure ski can concure.

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Playing with motion blur and a 30D today.

I had a 80mm on a ladder about 20 feet back from the back of the mini ramp.

I had it on Tv mode at about 15-30. Next time I'll try a tripod to pan smoothly. I was a little too shaky because it was the first time I've skated in years and my adrenaline was up. (it was just like riding a bike though!)


Oh yea, and next time I'll get in front of the skater! Butt shots suck.....


Have you guys been to this photog forum?



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Crazy....I'm looking to move to PA from NY soon.


I just landed a job at Peek'n Peak as their Multimedia Manager. They have a new owner and a new mission to enhance things so a guy like me was needed. I'm stoked beyond belief. It's going to be a sick marriage.

I taught for eight years and have connections at Burton so the plan is to make the Peak the place to Learn To Ride. I'll be enhancing their terrain features as well.


Man is it great to be back on the hill! (after a six year sentance behing a desk) My feet were blistered after the Nationwide PGA tour last week. Golf is going off there as well.

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i found a better price here i don't know what it comes with though. :confused

Nice pictures atomic jeff :rock


Well, they do some creative packages there...the camera listed is a grey market camera that they probably will tell you have an 8 week delivery date. I'm wary of them because look at the price of a 1 gig high speed flash card. That's crazy. Best Buy has them for $80! Plus, be sure when ording a package that the lens is Nikon, and not just "made for Nikon". A crappy knockoff may be worth $30 and give lousy images, no matter how great it sounds. The worst Nikkon lens is still better than most independant lenses. A lot of their packages list non-Nikon zoom lenses. Unscrupulous dealers will open the original boxes and strip out the dvd's and cables, then try and sell them back to you. It really looks like what that place does. And a lot of those packages come with 128mb flash cards, which means you still have to go out and buy a flash card. A good shop will sell everything that comes with the original packaging and won't hide the price of the body and "normal" lens.


If you use that place, be sure to use a credit card so you have protection. It looks like you'd need it.


Ski999 is one of the better sports photographers on PASR...he charges somewhere between 11 and 12 dollars an hour for action shots...I still owe him about 25 dollars from this last season... :banghead


Ha, my 1/2 day rate is $275 and my day rate is $450...you owe me more than $25, son.

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If you use that place, be sure to use a credit card so you have protection. It looks like you'd need it.



Yeah I'm definitely not planning on taking any kind of bait like that. There is no way I'm up for that challenge, or stupid enough. I've been looking on Craigslist for someone local, but so far nothing. A friend of mine who shoots for the local paper suggested Allens Cameras in Levittown, apparently they have a pretty reputable used business. I'm also going to try a few shops that are local to me and see how that goes.


I think you've mentioned it before, but it photography your main source of income Ski?

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I was a full-time staff newspaper photog from 1983 to 1992, with some stints with NYC picture agencies overseas. Since '92, I've worked as a sports photographer full-time for a company that's based in Philly, while freelancing for the Associated Press. I've never really done anything else, other than learn that I didn't want to be an attorney right after school. So I guess I've been a photog for 23 yrs...holy sh*t...


It's a tough business. I loved newspapers, but there's a pretty low salary cap, for sure. I got a little sick of 60 hr weeks for $500 paychecks. I'd much rather work 20 hrs/wk for half that and do lots of skiing. 8*)


I used to use Allen's Camera when I lived in Levittown, but just for his repair service. Allen is WAY overpriced, compared to http://www.keh.com for used gear. He's like buying from a local ski shop. If you do use Allen, tell him one of the old Davor Photo guys sent you...might only get you 5% off, though...

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And just one more thing about gear...over the years, I've run into thousands of people with absolute top of the line gear and they still manage to take shitty pictures. Buy gear that fits your needs and put effort into the entire process.


I used to take interns out with me and make them shoot without motors and just one 24mm lens...or just a 50 or 180.


A unique angle and creative use of light is far more important than collecting ultrasonic lenses...


Just my 2 cents.

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i took an awesome picture of lightning last night on the way home from my friends house. it would have been so much better if i would have stopped my car to take it instead of driving 60. it was sick though because i got like 6 bolts coming down at once.... it looks cool

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... It really looks like what that place does. And a lot of those packages come with 128mb flash cards, which means you still have to go out and buy a flash card..

Actually, if and when i get that camera, i'm gonna get a new ipod. Since i have a mini right now, i'll take out the microdrive, and throw it in my camera :rock (actually, i'm not 100% sure it will work yet, but i'll find out)


i took an awesome picture of lightning last night on the way home from my friends house. it would have been so much better if i would have stopped my car to take it instead of driving 60. it was sick though because i got like 6 bolts coming down at once.... it looks cool

Let's see it.....

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And just one more thing about gear...over the years, I've run into thousands of people with absolute top of the line gear and they still manage to take shitty pictures. Buy gear that fits your needs and put effort into the entire process.


I used to take interns out with me and make them shoot without motors and just one 24mm lens...or just a 50 or 180.


A unique angle and creative use of light is far more important than collecting ultrasonic lenses...


Just my 2 cents.

I agree with ya ski... That is what i was getting at when i said that jeff could have achieved the same images with a point and shoot. It is much more about the technique and your own creativity.


One of the best things my boss did was make me use a Fuji s2 with an old metz flash to shoot my first ice hockey game. Probably one of the faster sports out there, and i'm shooting with a HUGE bulky metz flash that couldn't be set to TTL with the s2. So here i am hanging this enormous set up over the top of the glass at a Midget Ice hockey game (if my memory serves me correct that is the 15-17yr olds) whils standing on some sketchy scafolding. Man you learn to anticipate action when you have that much weight to move around and tons of shutter lag.


Just to clarify, since i notice jeff hasnt said anything... i wasn't trying to insult anyone or talk all high and mighty. It just gets frustrating sometimes since everyone thinks they are a professional. There is a lot more to it then buying a nice camera and takeing pictures of pretty things. Being a pro means you can pick your camera up after you drop it in the middle of a shoot, fix what broke, and keep going. Then when it is all said and done deliver the images to the customer and keep them happy all under a deadline. Like i said, i am sure ski knows what i am talking about there. However, keep shooting, i never discourage others who just want it as a hobby, or even want to try and be a pro. Keep working at it, but respect those who have been around awhile.

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