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so reading some of this stuff, I hear people saying how great blue's park is.


I'm in vermont all winter, but always home around christmas break, and usually check out how the skiing is at home. 2 Seasons ago was the last time I rode blue. They had 1 rail and one box, the box was like 4 feet long, and the rail was short and set up poorly. The jumps were not shaped well, or placed at good spots. Apparently they got a C-Rail after I left, but never saw it.


I also checked camelback that year. It had no jumps, a "hippo" rail that was fun, and a long rail that was tripple barrel and 3 inches off the ground. nothing exciting.


This past season, a friend and I tried bear creek, and so far that's the most park fun I've had in the area. Still not great, but they had a 20foot jump that was shaped decently, a c-box and straight box that were fun to dick around on, a shotgun rail, and a flat down flat. The takeoffs were pretty shitty, but we fixed some of them. The shotgun and FdF both had pretty bad ride on setups, but whatever.


However, that was the only park I got to ride in PA last winter. Have things changed a lot? What's going to be the spot to check out this year?

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Welcome to the board sean!


Well... Me being a skier can't give you the best information around, but I can tell you blue has built a pretty badass park in the past couple years, turning sidewinder into their "advanced" park, with a more beginner park (2 jumps, a couple boxes) down toward the bottom of the mountain. Really the only mountains in the area I go to are blue and cb, but I can say blue's parks are better.


Nothing down here is going to compare to what you ski up there (maybe mountain creek but I dunno), but I'm sure you can find some fun somewhere!

Edit: Just noticed you're a skier too :) I had lots of fun doing stuff at blue, but I'm not that advanced in the parks...


mountain creek's a good example of the fact that you don't need a huge mountain to have decent parks. Blue has way more vert then them, but as of 2 years ago they weren't usin it right. That might have changed last season though, but when I tried Bear Creek, it seemed like they had the right idea on that end.


was just curious what people that rode here a lot last season had to say.


Well seeing how you come home around christmas thats just a couple of weeks (or sometimes days) after they first open. They may not have been able to make snow on the terrain park long enough to build it up. My uncle is a snowmaker there for years now and if I remember correctly they didn't start to make snow until they had pretty many trails open. But as Thinksnow said they turned sidewinder into their advanced terrain park and since last season they have been making snow on the first few nights of snowmaking. I can tell you this for certain the halfpipe is usually the last snowboard area to open because that is the last thing they make snow on, you can often see the cut out of the pipe if you ride the challenge chair (lift b I think it is). I have only been to Bear Creek to do NASTAR racing but from what the brouchure says the park is supposed to be best in the area but I've never seen it before to tell you for sure. The new terrain park looks pretty promising to me from what I've seen last year with the jumps.


CB is pretty beat terrain park wise. they made a small comeback on the jump end of things about 3/4s of the way through the season last year in rhodo. the first hit was pretty gnarly, cept if you were any good you were clearing the landing almost everytime. rail wise they are obviously behind. they installed a flat box that was pretty weak except for learning new stuff on. they also put in a flat down box that had potential if you got tech on in. CBs pipe as always sucked donkey dick. i didn't get a chance to ride blue last year, but i can tell you that the sidewinder park as of the year before was better then both of CBs parks this year. and from what everyone told me, it was even better this year (rails got fixed and everything was taken care of a lot better according to friends). Mountain Creek is the hands down best park in the area if you are willing to be in NJ with all the NY tourists and lack of parking. So if you want to stay in PA hit up blue and i think you'll have a pretty good time....

oh yea, and....

welcome aboard bro


What about Jack Frost and Big Boulder? Big Boulder had the biggest hit around this area as far as I know, and also had many rails and boxes to slide on. And Jack Frost had an awesome well rounded park. Way better than Blues in my opinon.


Jib, Don't that as if I was angry or anything. (I have a feeling I may have came acrost that way)


And I'd also like to add that whenever me and my buds go to blue we seem to have a much better time than at JF or BB. Its more friendly there and patrol could care less what your doing as far as I've noticed.

  insomniac said:
patrol could care less what your doing as far as I've noticed.


hah, tell that to Thinksnow, Ski999 and I. that was a fun day between the patrol, thinksnow fracturing his arm, and me plowing over that girl...


blue has a pretty good park, and i have a blue season pass, and yea, i do always have a fun time, the verticle is great, the snow is great, and even a non-freestyle guy like myself, can enjoy the parks with the features off to the sides and the rollers.


yea u guys need to get up to frost and boulder. craige was right about them having the biggest hit this year, the 40 foot booter, and they have the best built park and the nicest setups out of everywhere around here. blue has no idea how to build nice jumps compared to boulder and theyre rails just suck i think this season u guys should check out boulder. and o yea im the new nub of the forum. craige u know who i am

  NITRO_rider said:
yea u guys need to get up to frost and boulder.  craige was right about them having the biggest hit this year,  the 40 foot booter,  and they have the best built park and the nicest setups out of everywhere around here. blue has no idea how to build nice jumps compared to boulder and theyre rails just suck i think this season  u guys should check out boulder.  and o  yea    im the new nub of the forum. craige u know who i am


blue DOES know how to build jumps compared to camelback though. Everyone i've talked to said blues jumps were perfect. they even had one jump that most people wouldn't try, cause if you hit it with any kind of speed, you'd need a space suit :rofl


parks aside, blues a better mountain if you feel like straying from the parks for a run or two :)

  AtomicSkier said:
  NITRO_rider said:
yea u guys need to get up to frost and boulder.  craige was right about them having the biggest hit this year,  the 40 foot booter,  and they have the best built park and the nicest setups out of everywhere around here. blue has no idea how to build nice jumps compared to boulder and theyre rails just suck i think this season  u guys should check out boulder.  and o  yea    im the new nub of the forum. craige u know who i am


blue DOES know how to build jumps compared to camelback though. Everyone i've talked to said blues jumps were perfect. they even had one jump that most people wouldn't try, cause if you hit it with any kind of speed, you'd need a space suit :rofl


parks aside, blues a better mountain if you feel like straying from the parks for a run or two :)



I haven't been to camelback when they had jumps, but are you talking about the first 25-30 footer on sidewinder? Like on the first straight away? I agree that was a pretty good jump, but It was the worst spot for it. It gets so windy there, and turns into a sheet of ice. You also haveto sit-tuck to get enought speed for it. But you should try hitting that 40 footer at BB, you almost need a space shuttle for that one. haha. And I agree that blue is a much better mountain when you wanna ride something else besides park.

And also derrick, I wouldnt really call it a booter, its just a table

  insomniac said:
I haven't been to camelback when they had jumps, but are you talking about the first  25-30 footer on sidewinder? Like on the first straight away? I agree that was a pretty good jump, but It was the worst spot for it.  It gets so windy there, and turns into a sheet of ice. You also haveto sit-tuck to get enought speed for it. But you should try hitting that 40 footer at BB,  you almost need a space shuttle for that one.  haha.  And I agree that blue is a much better mountain when you wanna ride something else besides park.

And also derrick, I wouldnt really call it a booter, its just a table


yea, it was below that first hit with the rail in the middle, it was just uphill of the first turn, it gets really steep before ya hit the jump, it was pretty beastly....


i prefer things like that side "lip" after the first turn on the right side, and those mounds of snow on the corners, load up the skis turning while taking the "jump" and go flying, twas fun


i do have to admit that i am quite a stickler for jf and bb, but yea some of blues jumps were pretty nice but i think they need to go a little bigger with some of them. ive actually only been to blue twice and the last time i was there was towards the end of the season and conditions sucked. ill check it out more this year tho, but from what ive experienced, i still think bb has the best parks

  AtomicSkier said:
  insomniac said:
I haven't been to camelback when they had jumps, but are you talking about the first  25-30 footer on sidewinder? Like on the first straight away? I agree that was a pretty good jump, but It was the worst spot for it.  It gets so windy there, and turns into a sheet of ice. You also haveto sit-tuck to get enought speed for it. But you should try hitting that 40 footer at BB,  you almost need a space shuttle for that one.  haha.  And I agree that blue is a much better mountain when you wanna ride something else besides park.

And also derrick, I wouldnt really call it a booter, its just a table


yea, it was below that first hit with the rail in the middle, it was just uphill of the first turn, it gets really steep before ya hit the jump, it was pretty beastly....


i prefer things like that side "lip" after the first turn on the right side, and those mounds of snow on the corners, load up the skis turning while taking the "jump" and go flying, twas fun


When you say side "lip", your talking about that little bump thing right by the trees right? And the things in the corners are called hips, incase you wondered. They were pretty fun, but they didn't have any landing, which seemed to irritate me towards the end of the day :pissed


yea, im not intot he names of the jump....i know tabletop, i can identify those. :lol:


conditions towards the end of the year sucked cause it got so warm they had to slowly destry hits to keep enough snow on the trail to have SOME features....spring hit hard and fast last year :angry::D

  • 1 month later...

blue's park sucked last year. the jumps were icy, poorly built, and every rail was ride on except for the c rail for about a week. i would know, i got in nearly 60 days there, and i worked there. bear creeks park was 10x better than blues, they had tables as big as 45 feet or so, and whats this jump people were afraid to hit at blue? we were flatbottoming everything at the place, there was nothing that gave you decent air until like the last 2 weeks of the season when the snow was soft enough for us to fix the lips ourselves


Justin Justin, You gotta remember, theres only like, 4 freeskiers. Me, you, andrew, and ers. Oh theres that linemaverick dude too. But almost everyone else are racers. And also, What the hell is wrong with Big Boulder??? Come on, Somebody, two cents on bb. Come on Justin, What did you think? Besides the judging...

  insomniac said:
Justin Justin,  You gotta remember,  theres only like, 4 freeskiers. Me, you, andrew, and ers. Oh theres that linemaverick dude too. But almost everyone else are racers. And also, What the hell is wrong with Big Boulder??? Come on, Somebody, two cents on bb. Come on Justin, What did you think? Besides the judging...



Big boulder is tiny, with slow lifts, and cr@ppy flat trails. The only thing they have is a big boarder cross park thingy.


see now, u dont understand. the trails dont matter, because they are boring. the parks do matter, because they arent. big boulders parks are better than any other pocono parks, which makes big boulder better. and it doesnt matter if theyre lifts are slow because its a small mountain. the lifts there take about the same time as the quad at blue so its like the same time that ur on the lift. and they got rid of that boardercross park and have 2 kickass regular parks now.


i've heard good things about big boulder from others, i just have never been there so i cant say for myself. although if the trails are terrible, id prolly have to say id prefer another mtn, because i free ride a lot too.


We were there a few times for races and I tried to get some skiing in. Basically I found that the lift time at the main lift was too long most of the time to justify the millisecond trail, so I tried to stay over to the left (as you look up the mountain) and ride up and down the far lift, which was pretty restrictive. I don't think, based on the little I skied there (one day a year for four years) that the trails hold up there very well over the course of the day, but my sample size was small. I can't IMAGINE being a passholder there without going insane with boredom, but then I know others said the same thing about me and CB.


I never ran into some of the huge liftlines that CB can get, but then I wasn't there on holiday weekends.

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