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Just waiting for the judge...everything's lined up and waiting for delivery. The fact that hotel and restaurant owners are pissed is a good thing---let them sound off with what hardship Washo is causing the business owners of Lackawanna. He's full of shit for saying he's protecting the community.


What would the new ad for selling Montage read, if Washo gets his way?


"Ski Area For Sale: Appraised at $4.3, this terrific ski area has lost a million dollars a year for the last few seasons and needs serious upgrades amounting to over $2 million. New owners must guarantee to stay open for at least 10 years and may not timber any property or subdivide any of the acreage."


Okay, so what if some company reads that ad and offers $5.1 million, plus a guarantee of investing another $20 million for a property worth $4.3? The people of Lackawanna would be pretty f*cking lucky.


I'd love to hear the Times-Tribune editorial staff print the facts and then argue to kill the deal. Idiots.

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As much as I want to see that ski area remain a ski area, couldn't anyone ask for an appraisal of that land as a subdividable parcel, not as a ski resort and then make an offer to buy that ground?


You're playing stupid or just trying to get a rise...


The Lackawanna County commissioners are dedicated to continue the ski area "for the enjoyment and quality of life for the people of Lackawanna County, not just for this, but for future generations".


Who really knows, Rob, maybe some guy who you pissed off during a bad business deal firebombs your house tonight while you're sleeping. As much as nobody wants that, could it possibly happen?

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Does Montage get much overnight business???

There are two large hotels just at the exit off Rt. 81.


Compared to CB, Shawnee, Blue, Elk, or any other Pocono ski area, Montage offers Downtown Philly nightlife...

There are several colleges in Scranton, so the clubs like Tinks and Flashbacks are busy year 'round. Is there another ski area in the Poconos with real dance clubs 10 minutes away? And there are about a thousand bars, since there are so many alcoholics up here. If you want movies, there's a CinemaPlex, or whatever you call it, at the base of the mountain, along with a couple of places like Fridays.


So, Rob, you go clubbing after skiing at CB and find the nightlife Montage dead?

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Its true, 1/9 of the people in lackawanna county are alcoholics.

Oops, yeah, it seemed like I was being nasty, but I was stating a fact from something I read...


Barry Manilows nose is bigger than my D###...

That was your 7000th post. It was cool how you worked your D### into it....no pun intended.

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You're playing stupid or just trying to get a rise...


none of the above and really I would love it if finally, I could make a post with out wondering how you are going to respond, I wish you would disappear and not reply directly to anything I post KING COLE.


You are the one who is stupid if want to hide your head in the sand about the real value of 400 acres at the crossroad of 2 interstates, with nearby airport and other ammenities close by. Granted they are steep slopes in an enviromentally sensitive area. 5 million is chump change.

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There are two large hotels just at the exit off Rt. 81.


Compared to CB, Shawnee, Blue, Elk, or any other Pocono ski area, Montage offers Downtown Philly nightlife...

There are several colleges in Scranton, so the clubs like Tinks and Flashbacks are busy year 'round. Is there another ski area in the Poconos with real dance clubs 10 minutes away? And there are about a thousand bars, since there are so many alcoholics up here. If you want movies, there's a CinemaPlex, or whatever you call it, at the base of the mountain, along with a couple of places like Fridays.


So, Rob, you go clubbing after skiing at CB and find the nightlife Montage dead?


I think Lake Harmony has a pretty good nightlife...It's not downtownish, that's what I like about it. It's Poconoish.


none of the above and really I would love it if finally, I could make a post with out wondering how you are going to respond, I wish you would disappear and not reply directly to anything I post KING COLE.


You are the one who is stupid if want to hide your head in the sand about the real value of 400 acres at the crossroad of 2 interstates, with nearby airport and other ammenities close by. Granted they are steep slopes in an enviromentally sensitive area. 5 million is chump change.


Are the 400 acres developable?


What is the average price of an developable acre selling for in Lackawana County?


I've seen developable acres sell for 10K in Carbon County.


Five million is chump change for 400 acres, considering a 50x100ft lot on the bay in OC goes for over 2 million.

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none of the above and really I would love it if finally, I could make a post with out wondering how you are going to respond, I wish you would disappear and not reply directly to anything I post KING COLE.


You are the one who is stupid if want to hide your head in the sand about the real value of 400 acres at the crossroad of 2 interstates, with nearby airport and other ammenities close by. Granted they are steep slopes in an enviromentally sensitive area. 5 million is chump change.


Hey, Rob: there's three separate properties in the region, each over 300 acres with similar proximity to interstate highways, going for under a million dollars. None require enormous demolition, or have steep slopes. All are former hunting/fishing clubs and have anxious sellers. Now, read that last three sentences again.


D-o y-o-u g-e-t i-t?


You have openly trashed the deal and even admitted that the only purpose was to to be inflammatory. So, BOO HOO, you poor little victim of me. You threatened to call and join the fight against the sale. Why was that, Rob? You don't live here or ski here, so your only interest is to be a #@*&.




You succeeded.

Edited by ski
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Are the 400 acres developable?


What is the average price of an developable acre selling for in Lackawana County?


I doubt all 400 acres could be turned into viable lots.. I know for a fact the top of montage is certainly of managable grade well within the limitation set by DEP. that area alone by itself for high density housing is worth far more than 5m due to it's location. With vista and views that is premium high ground. Hell, with saavy marketing they could even keep some runs and make it a selling point and build around the steep slopes.



here is a paragraph from the chamber of commerce. http://www.scrantonchamber.com/scranton/Pages/faqs.htm


The average, per square foot construction cost for a new home here is approximately $70, excluding the lot. The average cost to purchase a 1/2 acre lot in a modern subdivision with all utility services is approximately $40,000. Therefore, someone interested in constructing a 2,500 square foot home in a residential subdivision here can expect a total project cost of approximately $215,000.




Edited by Papasteeze
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I know for a fact the top of montage is certainly of managable grade well within the limitation set by DEP. that area alone by itself for high density housing is worth far more than 5m due to it's location.


Do you spend much of your company time fantasizing about buying up county parks and turning them into condos?


Sh*t, just think of how much the state could get for Big Pocono SP, if only they'd sell to a developer!


Man, the VIEWS!!!!


Is it sinking in, yet, Rob?

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You threatened to call and join the fight against the sale. Why was that, Rob?


you are an ignorant paranoid person with some type of huge chip on your shoulder. where I have I ever done anything like that. You still choose to ignore the obvious. I love to ski and it is my number one hobby along with my kids and family. You love to make up exagerations and spread lies about me like posting your phone number.


grow up, I am not out to get you, but it is obvious with your behavior on why you have gotten your self into trouble before. I would think you would have learned by your mistakes.

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you are an ignorant paranoid person with some type of huge chip on your shoulder. where I have I ever done anything like that. You still choose to ignore the obvious. I love to ski and it is my number one hobby along with my kids and family. You love to make up exagerations and spread lies about me like posting your phone number.


grow up, I am not out to get you, but it is obvious with your behavior on why you have gotten your self into trouble before. I would think you would have learned by your mistakes.


I have a THOUSAND bucks that says you threatened to call the county and cause problems...just go back over your own posts. That's the crappy thing about being a liar, Rob: it's hard to remember what you said.


You didn't send my phone number with instructions to harass me to kids on NS? Well, then who at your IP address did? Huh? Yeah, well, why apologize when you can just deny, right?

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I have a THOUSAND bucks that says you threatened to call the county and cause problems...just go back over your own posts. That's the crappy thing about being a liar, Rob: it's hard to remember what you said.


You didn't send my phone number with instructions to harass me to kids on NS? Well, then who at your IP address did? Huh? Yeah, well, why apologize when you can just deny, right?



you prove all of that. posts don't get deleted on NS nor do private messages. prove it. copy the post where i threatened to call the county.

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you prove all of that. posts don't get deleted on NS nor do private messages. prove it. copy the post where i threatened to call the county.


Kids sent them to a PASR mod a long time ago, complete with full headers. Deny it all you want. It came from YOUR computer.





Jul 19 2006, 09:41 PM

Post #329


"nevermind.......... i have my answer...... so back on topic.... does any one have the number of the Lackawanna Conservation District. I want to do my civic duty... :devil: "

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Kids sent them to a PASR mod a long time ago, complete with full headers. Deny it all you want. It came from YOUR computer.





Jul 19 2006, 09:41 PM

Post #329


"nevermind.......... i have my answer...... so back on topic.... does any one have the number of the Lackawanna Conservation District. I want to do my civic duty... :devil: "


yeah I bet Jeff says he had it right? and now Jeff didn't keep it. BS cause it never happened - produce it - no., on second thought that is too easy to create. noo third thought have that PASR mod step up to the plate. it's impossible because that is aboslute bull shit... all messages have my nickname on them you can't send anonymous messages on there that I know of.


as far as asking for a phone number to the conservation district, what does that have to do with anything? you obviously instigated me, into sarcasm, where is the rest of the text?

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yeah I bet Jeff says he had it right? and now Jeff didn't keep it. BS cause it never happened - produce it - no., on second thought that is too easy to create. noo third thought have that PASR mod step up to the plate. it's impossible because that is aboslute bull shit... all messages have my nickname on them you can't send anonymous messages on there that I know of.


as far as asking for a phone number to the conservation district, what does that have to do with anything? you obviously instigated me, into sarcasm, where is the rest of the text?


1. The mods came to your defense, saying it happened off site and so they didn't want to punish you.


2. Oh, so you did it, but it was my fault for provoking you you into threatening to call.


3. I've wasted enough time on you. 'Dude's fed up and I'll try my best to finally respect his wishes.

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