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Sucks when someone does something stupid in the park!


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The Smart Style Program:


There are three main messages that are associated with Smart Style:



Scope around the jumps first, not over them. Know your landings are clear and clear yourself out of the landing area.


Start small and work your way up. (Inverted aerials not recommended).


From the lift line through the park.


There are your rules as instituted by the National Ski Areas Association.


Feel free to post your stories/complaints here and not in the park suggestion threads by Bear, Blue, Big Boulder, etc...


Source: http://www.nsaa.org/nsaa/safety/smart-style/

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What happened was I landed directly infront of a 9 year old parked on the landing of the first big booter at BC, knocked him down and we both like tumbled


I really hurt my shoulder and neck, and broke my goggles from falling. I yell over to the kid "are you OK?" and he didnt say anything, then I get up and like start semi-yelling at him, saying he shouldn't sit here, what were you thinking, he wasn't like responding or anything, then a ski patroller came and told me to meet him in the ski patrol office area at the base, the kids mom was there screaming in my face "who the fuck do you think you are" "maybe you should learn how to ride instead of hitting my kid" and I got my lift ticket clipped and I had to fucking wait like 3 hours in the lodge because my mom couldn't pick me up until then.


The ski patroller told me I was going way too fast, was being reckless, and I should of spotted out the landing before hitting the jump...or not hit the jump at all.


Wtf is that? So I'm supposed to ride up to the landing, make sure no ones there, then hike it and hit the jump then? And last time I checked they build the jump so people can hit it, not so kids can sit on the landing. I was alone...if I had someone with me I would of told him to spot...but seriously, not only do people need to check their landings, but people need to not park their asses on them as well.

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My issue wasn't in the park, but i was doing mach 5 down razors, this guy is sitting at the bottom of the first headwall on the side. As i get about half way down the headwall he starts cutting all the way acroos. by this time it's to late for me to stop, so i turn just enough, i clip the front of his ski's and just kept going.


Doug and Jeff wore both behind me when they saw this. If your gonna cut across an entire headwall, atleast look up to make sure no one is coming down...

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My issue wasn't in the park, but i was doing mach 5 down razors, this guy is sitting at the bottom of the first headwall on the side. As i get about half way down the headwall he starts cutting all the way acroos. by this time it's to late for me to stop, so i turn just enough, i clip the front of his ski's and just kept going.


Doug and Jeff wore both behind me when they saw this. If your gonna cut across an entire headwall, atleast look up to make sure no one is coming down...


Still kinda your fault, you were the one barrelling down outta control, Thinksnow and Ski999 also were there when i got pulled into the ski patrol shack for doing what you do, but to my friends little sister (didnt know that it was her). Granted, the ski patroller didnt witness it, so i wasnt in trouble :)

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You could look at this both ways...shouldn't a skier who was stopped look up the slope to see if it's clear to start??? Imagine getting on the turnpike without looking to see if it was clear to merge.... :banghead But I could see the ski patroller warning Knuckle because the downhill skier has the right of way...What always seems to happen to me on Razors is I'm flying down and there's always this one guy standing above the final headwall and just as I get a few seconds away, he starts up and get's in my way, but without looking back up the slope to see if the coast is clear.... :banghead A big reason I wear a helmet and I think Knuckle should be wearing a helmet because he goes hella fast...


You should be able to launch over anyone who is standing hidden on that headwall...Or have enough time to change dirrections.


Go fast, and take stuff as it comes up on you. If you can't see it, or its after the finish line, don't worry about it :rock

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What happened was I landed directly infront of a 9 year old parked on the landing of the first big booter at BC, knocked him down and we both like tumbled


I really hurt my shoulder and neck, and broke my goggles from falling. I yell over to the kid "are you OK?" and he didnt say anything, then I get up and like start semi-yelling at him, saying he shouldn't sit here, what were you thinking, he wasn't like responding or anything, then a ski patroller came and told me to meet him in the ski patrol office area at the base, the kids mom was there screaming in my face "who the fuck do you think you are" "maybe you should learn how to ride instead of hitting my kid" and I got my lift ticket clipped and I had to fucking wait like 3 hours in the lodge because my mom couldn't pick me up until then.


The ski patroller told me I was going way too fast, was being reckless, and I should of spotted out the landing before hitting the jump...or not hit the jump at all.


Wtf is that? So I'm supposed to ride up to the landing, make sure no ones there, then hike it and hit the jump then? And last time I checked they build the jump so people can hit it, not so kids can sit on the landing. I was alone...if I had someone with me I would of told him to spot...but seriously, not only do people need to check their landings, but people need to not park their asses on them as well.


Oh man I would have fought that one to the death. My response to the mom would be "who the fuck do YOU think YOU are. Then I would Have complained about them not having park passes and shit.

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ya.... theres one of the best arguments for passes yet. However, if you applied the rules of the rest of the mountain, the boarder was downhill, thus had the right of way. The skier had a spotter though, and the spotter should have waved/yelled off the skier. I know it sucks and it has happened to me too. What are you sposed to do? scream the kids ear off in a polite manner.

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I saw a lil skier girl on Razors get taken out one time so hard that people on the Comet screamed. Wide open trail and she was actually making pretty good turns, she couldnt have been older than 5, and this straightlining boarder caught her square in the back and knocked her out of all her equipment. Her dad like threw himself at her as she started to cry and the boarder ran back up the hill and almost got there before her dad. She turned out to be ok, probably due to her youthful flexibility, but man that was one of the times where I was sure someone was gonna be seriously hurt.

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^ thats classy, even if it isnt your fault you should still make sure they are ok.

It seems like the first jump at bear creek is the spot to sit. If i'm going to sit i will sit off to the side where i am not in the way and can be easily seen. I actually saw a kid have to jump over another kid going off the first jump, needless to say he fell because he had to throw himself all out of wack for the sake of not messing the other kid up.

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Here's a little bit of my report from January 21st at Booter mountain, the day before I left for Jackson Hole. Skidude was there for a race and Papasteeze was there with his beloved children...

"One run I was going into shuttle at a pretty slow speed and I was entering the trail on the right hand side and this dude really wanted to pass me on the right where there is no room. He crashed into my shoulder. I told him that he was skiing reckless and he said,"Your the reckless skier"..I said,"then why did you hit me from behind"....I called him a you know what...he looked at me like I was nutz...and then I skied off pretty agitated"


Remarkably that's the only time a stranger crashed into me. Me and Knuckdragged bumped boots on Switchback but that was both of our faults and Sexkitten found it somewhat Homoerotic.. :banghead





One night at CB me and Jeff hit eachother (both turning oposite dirrections into eachother) at the bottom of margies...Neither fell, which is good, cause we were moving.


Come to think of it, I have tapped a few people on the bottom of margies/rocket, and other places, but most of the time its other ski team people, who don't crash and burn...keeps you on your toes :unsure:

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LOL that was ben that almost chopped that kids head off.



I never had anything to bad in the park happen to me but like me and my friends always fly down cannonball and montage and we just jump the headwalls without looking,and every once in a while there will be a noob person doing pizza turns down the 2nd headwall cause its pretty steep and we always come really close to hitting some people ive jumped over a few peoples skis by doing that lol.

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Still kinda your fault, you were the one barrelling down outta control, Thinksnow and Ski999 also were there when i got pulled into the ski patrol shack for doing what you do, but to my friends little sister (didnt know that it was her). Granted, the ski patroller didnt witness it, so i wasnt in trouble :)



I wasn't out of control, hence i turned enough to stop from hitting him. If i was of tryed to skid to a stop, it would of been 1000x times worse, as i would of plowed the shit out of him, and taken us both out, with a head on collsion.


I see how it can be my fault, but it's still common sense, to look up hill when cutting across an entire f*ckin trail. Like Doug said, the common rule of merging.


If you have to do that on razors you shouldn't be on the trail in the first place.


I've been thinking about a helmet aswell doug. I actually tryed one on in a shop the other day.


LOL that was ben that almost chopped that kids head off.

I never had anything to bad in the park happen to me but like me and my friends always fly down cannonball and montage and we just jump the headwalls without looking,and every once in a while there will be a noob person doing pizza turns down the 2nd headwall cause its pretty steep and we always come really close to hitting some people ive jumped over a few peoples skis by doing that lol.



That happened to me on Challenage at blue. Jeff jumped the falls headwall, just missed this little girl, well i was about 4 feet behind jeff, in the split second he missed the girl, she moved right into my path. Luckily i stopped about 2 inches away from her, and everything was fine.


Here's a little bit of my report from January 21st at Booter mountain, the day before I left for Jackson Hole. Skidude was there for a race and Papasteeze was there with his beloved children...

"One run I was going into shuttle at a pretty slow speed and I was entering the trail on the right hand side and this dude really wanted to pass me on the right where there is no room. He crashed into my shoulder. I told him that he was skiing reckless and he said,"Your the reckless skier"..I said,"then why did you hit me from behind"....I called him a you know what...he looked at me like I was nutz...and then I skied off pretty agitated"


Remarkably that's the only time a stranger crashed into me. Me and Knuckdragged bumped boots on Switchback but that was both of our faults and Sexkitten found it somewhat Homoerotic.. :banghead



That was nuts. Luckily were both experianced and can handle shit like that, or it could of been bad.

Edited by KnuckleDragger
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LOL that was ben that almost chopped that kids head off.

I never had anything to bad in the park happen to me but like me and my friends always fly down cannonball and montage and we just jump the headwalls without looking,and every once in a while there will be a noob person doing pizza turns down the 2nd headwall cause its pretty steep and we always come really close to hitting some people ive jumped over a few peoples skis by doing that lol.



Also on my one trip to montage last year, i jumped the last headwall on cannonball, of course some jackass was there(mind you i was on the very edge to try and aviod everyone) I was waiting for my gf at the lift, and this douche comes up to me, and tells me im wreckless.. Maybe i am sometimes, but wouldn't it be smart to sit somewhere that you can be seen??

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A terrain park without a park pass system is not SMART STYLE..


I predict that parks will eventually go the way racing has. You will have to join several organizations before you can then join a team who are then going to have to train for first half of the season practicing thinking about doing the course, because form is more important than having fun. Then a couple of weeks before your first comp, they will have half the size of the features that you will actually have to do in the comp.... :rolleyes:

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my bro got in troulbe for the same thing on that same trail. the trails a double black, the person should not be sitting there. and i think aggressive is a better word to describe it


Cannonball is only a single diamond. No matter what the difficult though, jumping blindly off of a headwall is reckless. You know there is a chance that there could be someone on that headwall sitting down, hurt, or doing a pizza therefor you shouldn't jump the headwall without a spotter. Someone can easily be killed on a headwall like cannonball's. Now...with that being said, i love jumping that headwall, with or without a spotter :lol . But one time last year i was going to launch off of the headwall but then decided against it, right in the line i was taking over the headwall was a group of little kids. There is no doubt that i would have seriously injured one of them or myself if i had jumped. Intuition at its best i suppose.

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I predict that terrain park competitions will eventually go the way racing has. You will have to join several organizations to be eligible join a team. Then you are going to have to train for first half of the season thinking about hitting the features, because form and fundamentals is more important in developing atheletes. Then, and only then if you are not on the development team, a couple of weeks before your first competition, they will have some limited features to practice on, half the size of the ones you will actually have to do in the comp.... :rolleyes:


Yeah, when mountains are now devoting 50% of thier terrain to parks and places like camelback have a pass program, it is only a matter of time before someone figures out on how to capitalize on it by making it exclusive.

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Won't happen Papa, people will loose interest way to fast, and park will be dead... Parks are gaining some much interest because there so easily excessable. You take that away, and the park scene will die temendously.


Places use passes to keep the park safer. Not to promote it. Passes keep the jackasses out. that is all

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Won't happen Papa, people will loose interest way to fast, and park will be dead... Parks are gaining some much interest because there so easily excessable. You take that away, and the park scene will die temendously.


Places use passes to keep the park safer. Not to promote it. Passes keep the jackasses out. that is all


It'll happen, I think it's the only area left for snow sports to migrate to: 10 years from now. Mark my words :rock Park passes are the first step towards regimenting.

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