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  jibophonic said:

i don't deny anything i have said on this message board. i took stabs at papa and i fought it until the mods closed it. thickheaded? maybe, but at least i back my arguments with valid facts. you are more then likely some high school kid who knows nothing about the real world like i once was.


College is the real world?


More so the high school is.


Not to mention, i'm not your typical college student who gets shipped off and calls his parents every week for money. I pay over half my tuition myslef (rest are loans), buy my own books/supplies, and pay my apartment bills. Not to mention i work 2 jobs to do so. I'd have to say that is a hell of a lot more "real world" then high school, and even some folks college experiences.

  justin said:

Most mountains are pretty much ready to go way way way before they actually open, as far as our standards go by. Colorado, Montana, etc all get the first snowfall sometime around early september, and they continue from then. By late september/early october they could be opened close to 100% with just natural snowfall, but they still do blow snow in some lower altitude spots (like the base of lifts, etc). They're just restricted by permits and wildlife concerns (bears and shit), operating costs, etc. They are almost never worried about coverage. Compared to the mountains around here (in terms of coverage at opening day, etc), they have just about the same conditions in September. Here in PA we rely mostly on cold temps to blow snow ourselves, as little storms here and there don't really impact that much. We don't get dumpings and dumpings of snow in the winter so resorts mainly rely on snowguns. Some resorts out west usually don't even blow snow on most of their trails.


So if weather was the main factor out west, then all the resorts would be opened in late september.

A Basin and loveland are the only two that really truly rely on weather for opening, because they open as soon as they can physically blow enough snow. However, they dont open till mid-late October. This year was the earliest colorado opening on record, and it was october 13th. No way in hell they could pull it off by the end of september


The rest, probably could open earlier than they do, but generally have set opening dates. However, on really good snow years (like this one so far) they may push opening dates up (like keystone did, they origionally were shooting for NOV 10, but are going to open a week from today NOV 3rd)


Man dont be talking about these tentative opening dates.. It's torture cause I know all of you guys have probably been dieing to get out on a mountain for at least 3/4 of the summer. Nobody really knows the exact date they are going to open so just wait till they put a date on their website. Then we can all flip out and skip to school to go on the first day! W()()T!

Posted (edited)

It's nice to have something to look forward to though....

Edited by KnuckleDragger

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