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I give up. The Philly story is worthless and the $10,000's of free promotional value of the article is a waste because the ski industry is so flush with cash. Ski areas are spending billions on improvments and local retailers are doing great already. Because the article was not "spot on" with terminology (that only a die-hard could understand), it deserves to be trashed.

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I give up. The Philly story is worthless and the $10,000's of free promotional value of the article is a waste because the ski industry is so flush with cash. Ski areas are spending billions on improvments and local retailers are doing great already. Because the article was not "spot on" with terminology (that only a die-hard could understand), it deserves to be trashed.


The fact that the article is inaccurate only compounds the fact that it is poorly written and under researched.


"Because the article was not "spot on" with terminology (that only a die-hard could understand), it deserves to be trashed."

No, because the article makes up or misuses terms that could be easily explained otherwise to a non-skier, it deserves to be trashed.

Edited by pyro_boarder
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I give up. The Philly story is worthless and the $10,000's of free promotional value of the article is a waste because the ski industry is so flush with cash. Ski areas are spending billions on improvments and local retailers are doing great already. Because the article was not "spot on" with terminology (that only a die-hard could understand), it deserves to be trashed.


BTW - Welcome!!! threads here can get rather spirited, so take them all with a grain of salt.


Would you feel still feel the same if they described telemarking as two thin skis with moving harware that attach to your feet that is used to propel yourself on ski on a flat surface in 2 tracks made by a specialized machine?

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OK - I got a little more life left in me before I totally quit this topic....


I just re-read the article-- And I still think it's a great article! It is totaly written for 91.9999% of the population that has no idea what a terrain park is? For the other 8.0001% of the rest of us that actually call ourselves skiers that have an idea-- we can see the soft spots. Most non-skiers (an many skier-lite types) consider our sport too technical and full of jargon. Again - I say we cut the guy some slack, be excited that a major paper wrote about freeskiing and PA skiing (in a section with Euro's). Anyone trying to get sponsors should have this article laminiated to build a case for sponsorship. Ski shops should tell the story of investment that PA ski areas are making and Ski Areas should be holding jib fests and rail jams every week!


Yah- it's not the writting that you get in printed snow porn, but it sells winter.


Skiing on a flat surface in 2 tracks made by a specialized machine? I earn my turns (when in PA I ride the lift to the "backcountry") :)

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I consider things like this a C-bow as well


It's C Box..



Anyone trying to get sponsors should have this article laminiated to build a case for sponsorship.


That's weird.


Ski shops should tell the story of investment that PA ski areas are making and Ski Areas should be holding jib fests and rail jams every week!


Agreed. The writer should have included or made an effort to say that training and schools or programs are available at the mountains to learn this new sport. Elk mountain had the only mention. :rofl I think it is great that they did a whole Travel section pointed at Ski Resorts, but come-on they do that every year about this time, don't they? I would love to hear Ski weigh in on the thinking of this poorly written innacurate article. He says he was a journalist at one time.


I guess that a lot of my resentment is coming from/at CB who keeps saying/sounding like they are the best. But to then couple it with tons of innacurate facts, boggles the mind. I really want to know how this guys' editor would feel if knows how bad and innacurate the article is.


A letter to the editor, should be written. Would it really have taken any extra time to have accurate info? come, it talks about new phenonemons, hen says that freeskiing started in the mid 90's?? Come on, that isn't new, besides twin tips didn't take off until Tanner made his showing in 2001 IMO. THe Philadelphia Inquirer paid money for that article.

Edited by Papasteeze
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