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Hey all. Can some of you tell me about Nastar? I know I can register on the Nastar website before I go, and I read about their scoring system and such. Otherwise, assume I know nothing (because for the most part, I don't!)


What days is it?

Do you just show up the day of?

How much does it cost?

Will I look like a fool if I don't have racing gear or can I just show up in my normal ski pants/coat?

Do you have to wait around the whole time or just be there for your division or race?


And any other info/helpful hints you could give me would be great. I've been skiing for 10 years...I think I could handle this and it would be fun. Thanks.

  stever2003 said:
Hey all. Can some of you tell me about Nastar? I know I can register on the Nastar website before I go, and I read about their scoring system and such. Otherwise, assume I know nothing (because for the most part, I don't!)


What days is it?

Do you just show up the day of?

How much does it cost?

Will I look like a fool if I don't have racing gear or can I just show up in my normal ski pants/coat?

Do you have to wait around the whole time or just be there for your division or race?


And any other info/helpful hints you could give me would be great. I've been skiing for 10 years...I think I could handle this and it would be fun. Thanks.


Hey, a bunch of guys do nastar at blue every thursday night, starting this year on jan 4th. they also do it sunday afternoon. nastar is extremely laid back, and alot of fun. no pressure what so ever. most people just race in their jackets. i drop my jacket at the start and race in my fleece, which cuts about a 1/2 second off my time. a typical night for me goes like this


5pm - arrive at blue, boot up, and do some quick laps for an hour off of the quad.

6pm - start working my way over to the nastar shack at the top of raceway, and meet up with the rest of the pasr nastar blue groupies. we'll hang out till they open up registartion, which is around 6:15. its $5 for 2 runs, $15 for unlimited. we all get unlimited, cause its not rare that we do more then 10 race runs per night. pay your money, get your number, and head over the start house to get in the intial line, which is nonexistant after your first two runs.

6:30pm - time to fly! it's really alot of fun, great group of guys from the blue race team that run it, and all the pasr guys that come out always have a great time

8-8:30pm we usually quit around then, as we've done plenty of race runs, and sometimes the course is beat by then.

8:30pm - we do top speed runs down razors edge, multiple times...hehe


definatly come out, and introduce yourself. its extremely laid back, even racing n00bs like grilledsteezesandwich have gotten addicted to it! I'm sure he'll add his comments about nastar when he returns from blue mountain.

  Papasteeze said:
Nastar is great fun - if you can get over to BC when they open there course then do it.


why would he, or anyone, want to do that? bc's nastar sucks compared to blue.


  freeridintre said:
Where do they setup their course? Or is this their first year...


its over on the right side of the mountain, to the skiers left as you're sking down under that tripple chair


  stever2003 said:
I've seen the races at Blue before but not close up....what are the specs? There are gates, right? And how long is the course?


it's a modified gs setup. it fits well in the space provided. How long is the course? The length of raceway...it might take me 22 or 23 seconds, and some people over 30, just depends. And don't worry about your times, the good thing is they only get better. :rock

  AtomicSkier said:
why would he, or anyone, want to do that? bc's nastar sucks compared to blue.


And do you know that for a fact? Oh yeah thats right. You know every twist and turn of thier race course and know all the people who use BC because you race it regularly. <_<






That was a rude thing to say. what? do you think if you bad mouth Bear that they will comp you a ticket? you have been hanging around doug too much.



  freeridintre said:
Where do they setup their course? Or is this their first year...


There is a whole new race venue planned for this year. Expect BC to ratchet the race program up several levels. Mark-BC is a former racer, you can expect him to a great job working with what he has. Last year he had an open forum to discuss the expansion plans and to get feedback from the Racing crowd. I think I was the only PASR'ian in the attendance.

  GrilledSteezeSandwich said:
the course at Blue is longer and more challenging..that's according to Atomic Jeff, Ski, and M-Bike Mike.

Nobody knows yet for sure this year as I hear they are moving it over to timberland. i was out checking it out on the mtb a few weeks ago and it looks like an improvement - longer and steeper but i still don't think it will match up to raceway. its all good though - the starters do a great job there also and its its a great ego booster as you can definately medal higher at BC than Blue! the wings and beers afterwards definately beat blues!

  GrilledSteezeSandwich said:
Bear Creek is going to have a tough time attracting racers with their terrain unless they're like 5 years old.


Posting like that makes you look silly.. You obviously haven't ever ran Nastar at BC have ya? Oh nevermind.... question for you off topic, do you have anything supportive to say about BC?


When I did Nastar out in Park City the course was super easy, not steep and all, and probably dropped less vert than Raceway at Blue. Therefore Park City must have a really crappy race program, and I would never go there if I wanted to make race-like turns. (Heavy sarcasm)


Doug you're about the least qualified person to call out someone else for posting off topic in a thread.

  freeridintre said:
When I did Nastar out in Park City the course was super easy, not steep and all, and probably dropped less vert than Raceway at Blue. Therefore Park City must have a really crappy race program, and I would never go there if I wanted to make race-like turns. (Heavy sarcasm)


wow and I thought Breckenridge was the easiest Nastar course ever.


Nastar is the best racing program out there. It is fun and it challenges you to progress. You can do any course anywhere and I always run up with others who are equally stoked about going fast around gates. Never any pressure to perform never any expectations.

  Papasteeze said:
And do you know that for a fact? Oh yeah thats right. You know every twist and turn of thier race course and know all the people who use BC because you race it regularly. <_<


Yes, i do know that for a fact, considering I have raced at BC plenty of times, and Blue plenty of times. The fact is, you've never raced at Blue, so you're not even qualified to make any kind of statement about Blue, I am. I know for the fact that BC is a shorter, more mellow, eaiser course then Blue. Describe the course on Raceway for me, Rob.

  stever2003 said:
I've seen the races at Blue before but not close up....what are the specs? There are gates, right? And how long is the course?

Yeah the gates are right............. for skiiers. :angry:

  AtomicSkier said:
Yes, i do know that for a fact, considering I have raced at BC plenty of times, and Blue plenty of times. The fact is, you've never raced at Blue, so you're not even qualified to make any kind of statement about Blue, I am. I know for the fact that BC is a shorter, more mellow, eaiser course then Blue. Describe the course on Raceway for me, Rob.



hahahaha mr eracerhead... Bear's Nastar course is on a different slope this year I do believe. So whatever you think you know doesn't exist anymore.

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