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it seems like the park crew just fixes what they and there friends want to hit. On saturday i was hitting the first jump on merry widow and it was decent when they were fixin it but in the evening they didnt even bother wit that park and the jumps were gettin all rutted out and shitty. also they attempted to make lips to float u but they made just made the top of the lip steeper and didnt change the trani and it was just kickin you wierd in the air and no body was throwin down like last weekend cuz of that

also there will be like 10 parkcrew guys standin around rail bullshitin but when there actually fixin somtin theres one guy there and no ones blockin off the feature ive seen better work ethic from customers building a park at Eagle Rock


good job though when u guys actually fix somthin


i also noticed when there standin around and ur hittin a jump they might yell somtin and it throws u off and makes u mess ur self up


some of the stuff i heard there goin to start doin will be good like fencing off the top of merry widow and big boulder


in my opinion they should have one park crew guy around each jump or feature making sure its upkept and yell at ppl to move out of the landing and move to the side of the trail this would keep the park much safer for everyone i have encountered both so far the lips of the jumps getting rutted out and ppl in the landing i have been fortunate not to hit anyone yet but i have came close

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