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Being a statistics junkie and skier:


PA Ski Areas ranked by interest (qualified by #'s of Topics and Replys posted) on this MB:


1. Blue Mt / 507 Topics = 31.2% of Total / 10,991 Replys = 34.3% of Total

2. Camelback /459 Topics = 28.3 % of Total / 8,563 Replys = 26.7 % of Total

3. Bear Creek / 293 Topics = 18.1% of Total / 5,362 Replys = 16.7 % of Total

4. JFBB / 224 Topics = 13.8 % of Total / 3,801 Replys = 11.9 % of Total

5. Sno Mt. / 140 Topics = 8.6 % of Total / 3,327 Replys = 10.4 % of Total


Total Topics = 1,623 / Total Replys = 32,004


The bulk of the posts on CB threads are critical and basic bitching about the mountain. From reading many of the posts, it would appear that many don't ski at CB, and most only buy day tickets, with a few that actually own passes. Other than pass holders, why does anyone spend this much time complaining about a product they don't/won't buy?


The above anlysis is completely unaudited and of little scientific value, but does tell where the majority of where the board is going (with interest). In the end, mabey all the exposure from negativity is good for CB?


I'll add a little bit to this.


First, the name wasn't changed due to a threat, but we simply wanted to grow the site to something constructive rather than just a site bashing on CB. The roots of the board is definitely a reason for a bunch of the negative tone in the CB forum, but so is plain old bad policies over the years. There are plenty of people who used to support CB that have turned.


Looking at those numbers is a little decieving right now, because since we've had JFBB and Bear Creek sign on (and subsequently link to us), both of those forums have been far more busy than Blue or CB.


So, in all, CB had about an 8 month head start on everyone else, but the site was VERY slow when it started so that's not really a ton. I can get all the real numbers if anyone is really that much of a number junkie (I am). Blue... well... that forum just benefits from most of Doug's whorage.


Thanks for the background. I guess I never got that from following the two MB's for past few months? It looks like the CB board stopped deleting critical comments (allowing posts to stay) -- I read the same posts there on CB MB and would appear to be the same members (as on PASAR)?


Yeah, their new marketing guy is much better with it than the old ones were. It used to be to the point that anything that was at all critical of CB was immediately removed (I always understood why, because they wanted to use it as a marketing tool, rather than a discussion forum). That's why we came here and started this.


Just to be clear, there are no hard feelings between PASR management and CB about the forum stuff any more, we've grown quite a bit past that.


The CB bitchiness has a resounding reoccuring theme in that the 24/7/365 day snow lover gets very disgusted and disheartened with CB. I for one investigated thouroughly (or so I thought) for a home mountain and chose CB. It was a really poor move on my part. They set themselves up for the abuse in these forums with thier misleading advertising. There are numerous examples of poor customer service documented throughout the CB forum..


It is very simple to understand what happens when someone is mistreated who is involved deeply with being on the snow. How hard would it really be for CB to change what they do? Look at the complaints, they are consistently aimed at CB, no snow lover would needlessly pick on a resort unless they deserve it.. I for one will never let CB think that they are doing a good job because they are not, comparitively to other resorts.

Posted (edited)
  ThinkSnow said:
Yeah, let's not let this get into another bitch-fest. I just wanted to give Brightside some background and some info about the site.


Bitch Fest?....... naaaaaaaa....


Think about it though, Bear Creek is having a FREE rail jam thursday night and they aren't even open and CB can't even have thier advertised rail and bail series jam because of why? Everyone knows that you don't need very much snow for a rail jam.

Edited by Papasteeze

I think one reason CB's forum has lost steam of a positive nature is because skidude and skimom are too busy to post anymore and I moved out west. skidude used to be the "Doug" of the CB forum.


Maybe it's time for the owner of this site to get out his red pen. The intent of this place was that it was supposed to be fun, informational and a place one could speak his mind without fear of censorship. It's seems to be turning into a platform for incessant bitching.

  sibhusky said:
I think one reason CB's forum has lost steam of a positive nature is because skidude and skimom are too busy to post anymore and I moved out west. skidude used to be the "Doug" of the CB forum.

Stupid senior year.



Cept I wouldn't constantly bitch about why blue was bad, and say that CB is great.


I call CB out on way more stuff than doug and jeff combined have ever called out on blue.




M.B Most of the people posting crap in the CB forums haven't been to Cb more than one time in the last year or two.


I think of blue passholders as dirty republicans who bitch til they get what they want and CB pass holders as a bit more chill....

  GrilledSteezeSandwich said:
Atomic Jeff brought Nastar to Blue...and I bitched about the garbage at Blue under the quad and one day Kmar and some of the snowmakers filled up several trash bags..

Of course jeff brought nastar to blue, and uhh you and everyone else bitched about the trash under the lifts (I bet 10 people said something about it before you even joined this board)...But uhh either way...

  Margaritaville Skier said:
a place one could speak his mind without fear of censorship. It's seems to be turning into a platform for incessant bitching.


how can one speak thier mind and not have someone consider that bitching? I call em like I see them.. just put me on ignore posts if it bothers you that much.

  Margaritaville Skier said:
Maybe it's time for the owner of this site to get out his red pen. The intent of this place was that it was supposed to be fun, informational and a place one could speak his mind without fear of censorship. It's seems to be turning into a platform for incessant bitching.



You hit the nail on the head. Mommawhine has nothing better to do with her time.




LOL... watch out... you might just turn into one of those republicans you speak of one day...


Anyways, I don't even want to get into political standpoints, but I'd probably be willing to guess that CB is more of a Republican type of place than Blue is... Just a guess though, based on stereotyping, etc.



Frankly... if I was Blue Mountain I would have given Jeff Nastar as well... He can be pretty annoying when he doesn't get what he wants... Then again... so can Rob.

(these are harmless pokes at two people who I actually do like in person, but who just happen to be easy targets in this situation, just as I am when it comes to dating, doug with postwh0ring, racerchick being vertically impaired, dude being... well, just being dude, etc.)



If you guys REALLY want to get us something we want... how about snow? Who can you talk to about that?

  sibhusky said:
I think one reason CB's forum has lost steam of a positive nature is because skidude and skimom are too busy to post anymore and I moved out west. skidude used to be the "Doug" of the CB forum.


Yep...and I sorta miss not reading every thought that ever ran through little 'Dude's head.

  GrilledSteezeSandwich said:
Totally Metz..Blue is such a Democratic ski area and Camelback is Republican..Camelback would be a great place for Bob Dole to schred the gnar whil John Kerry would love the big dawg booters at Blue..Yeah...So Killington is a republican place and Mad River Glen is for tree hugging environmentalist birkenstock wearing peace necklack koombayaya...mother f-kers..


Am I the only one who lost more brain cells than a night hanging out with Willie Nelson reading Metz Jerseys post...wow it's a testement to how crappy the schools are in Bound Brook..just kidding Metz..


Don't mess with the NJEA...


bravo POC.


Doug, just saying that Camelback is a more expensive ski area. By nature, many people of wealth are Republicans. Tannersville/Scotrun is a more expensive area than Danielsville/Lehighton. Just my take on things. Jeff himself said that Blue is run by ski bums (in different words), CB by big business. Big business=Republican. Blue isn't big business. Financial standing has a lot to do with political preference in many cases. Not all.


And didn't you say you went to a ghetto high school...





By the way POC- does the lack of spelling skills present on this board bother you at times?

  GrilledSteezeSandwich said:
Am I the only one who lost more brain cells than a night hanging out with Willie Nelson reading Metz Jerseys post...wow it's a testement to how crappy the schools are in Bound Brook..just kidding Metz..



  Metz the Jersey boy said:
bravo POC.


Doug, just saying that Camelback is a more expensive ski area. By nature, many people of wealth are Republicans. Tannersville/Scotrun is a more expensive area than Danielsville/Lehighton. Just my take on things. Jeff himself said that Blue is run by ski bums (in different words), CB by big business. Big business=Republican. Blue isn't big business. Financial standing has a lot to do with political preference in many cases. Not all.


And didn't you say you went to a ghetto high school...

By the way POC- does the lack of spelling skills present on this board bother you at times?



I'm not the best speller and I've learned how decipher most of the misspelled posts.

Posted (edited)

the explanation that i have figured for all of the negative post about cb from bluer's is that the only way they can live with a crappymountian is by constantly noteing cb faults and over looking those at blue :P

Edited by zaldon
  zaldon said:
the explanation that i have figured for all of the negative post about cb from bluer's is that the only way they can live with a crappymountian is by constantly noteing cb faults and over looking those at blue :P


Here here!!! Actually I used to prefer Blue to CB back in the day but as I spent more time at each one I got to appreciate CB more. The only major difference for me was that Blue had a bump run. As of last year CB has not only had a bump run but they also groomed some bumps on an intermediate trail so people can learn how to ski them. That was awesome!!! I can't wait for it to get cold enough for them to blow enough snow to open up the west side and the new park.

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