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Posted (edited)

Today's conditions were pretty sweet first thing. A decent amount of snow was blown overnight and both challenge and east mt were in good shape. Challenge started to get piles of sugar on the top, but nothing that was heavy, when I left at 11:30. Here's some pics I took with a camera phone. Sorry for the shitty quality, they don't do much justice. I didn't have my regular camera with me.

Edited by bigdaddyk
Posted (edited)

Peak Resorts....all that snowmaking for the same'ol narrow-azz trails?!?!?!?When are you going to open up some more terrain or snowtubing at JFBB????Five of your other resort's are closed right now....you should should fly in Team Blizzard to come up to JFBB and pinch-hit!!!Or helicopter a couple more thousand Pole Cat's from the closed area's,maybe that will make it colder out somehow.But I guess having marginal snow is better than having no snow,I do give JFBB snowmaker's credit for that.



ps: Try to keep the snow outta the trees's...jeez your gonna bring them all down,along with maybe a couple of lift towers from all that wet snow.

Edited by YummerzZz
  YummerzZz said:
Peak Resorts....all that snowmaking for the same'ol narrow-azz trails?!?!?!?When are you going to open up some more terrain or snowtubing at JFBB????Five of your other resort's are closed right now....you should should fly in Team Blizzard to come up to JFBB and pinch-hit!!!Or helicopter a couple more thousand Pole Cat's from the closed area's,maybe that will make it colder out somehow.But I guess having marginal snow is better than having no snow,I do give JFBB snowmaker's credit for that.

ps: Try to keep the snow outta the trees's...jeez your gonna bring them all down,along with maybe a couple of lift towers from all that wet snow.



I thought you were a snowmaker at Frost. You have all the inside knowledge. Why aren't you passing all your expert snowmaking skills on to your boys at Frost?


ahh, don't you just love disgruntled ex employees!!! Hey Yumerz we get it, you got canned and now you hate JFBB. However, I like reading the condition updates given by bigdaddyk and others, and am tired of you adding pointless comments to their threads. Yeah, it was not that cold last night, but they were still able to make some snow. I skied Challege earlier in the week and it is like six snowcats wide. If you want to talk shit on JFBB thats fine, start a new thread and just reply back and forth to yourself. JFBB has the best conditions and most snow in the poconos, so quit talking shit on the fan guns, and the snowmakers; it just shows what a moron you are. You should get a job, or a life; and F_CK OFF!!


Thank God someone said it to him...


Thanks jkb111...


Its amazing that JFBB has the

-Best Snow around

-more terrain open then the majority

-amazing grooming

-perfect ski conditions in terrible weather

-and the best terrain parks out right now

that some people still have the nerve to complain.


Peak Resorts deserves so much praise for what they have done and have open.


(P.S. the only thing i would recommend them do more of is Public Advertisement; get the word out more about how great the conditions are at JFBB and try and pull in the NY and NJ crowd like Shawnee does with Billboards in NY)



  bbg said:
Its amazing that JFBB has the

-Best Snow around

-more terrain open then the majority

-amazing grooming

-perfect ski conditions in terrible weather

-and the best terrain parks out right now

that some people still have the nerve to complain.



(P.S. the only thing i would recommend them do more of is Public Advertisement; get the word out more about how great the conditions are at JFBB and try and pull in the NY and NJ crowd like Shawnee does with Billboards in NY)


we are headed to NH 2 days, then VT for 2 days with a stop in NY and then back to BB. I am suspecting that BB is way ahead of everyone on the park scene in the entire east.

  k2fujative said:
^been to nh, done that, youre gonna laugh when you see the parks papa

u didnt go to loon though... what mtns are u hitting papasteeze?


I seem to only remember giving credit to the snowmaker's.But not credit to Peak's management.Most of the JFBB snowmaker's are pretty good,but can only work with what their given.Without resorting to cuss word's and name-calling.Fact's are,the trail's are narrow,the snow is marginal and JFBB has had more open in bad weather before the fan's were ever installed.2001-2002 winter as an example.You all know as well as me that the winter's are getting warmer and fan's only work well below 25^ with low humidity.That money could have been much better spent elsewhere,like on the customer's or employee's instead of for bragging right's.BTW I will give prop's to Crotched NH,now they look like they have great snow and park's.

Posted (edited)
  jkb111 said:
ahh, don't you just love disgruntled ex employees!!! Hey Yumerz we get it, you got canned and now you hate JFBB. However, I like reading the condition updates given by bigdaddyk and others, and am tired of you adding pointless comments to their threads. Yeah, it was not that cold last night, but they were still able to make some snow. I skied Challege earlier in the week and it is like six snowcats wide. If you want to talk shit on JFBB thats fine, start a new thread and just reply back and forth to yourself. JFBB has the best conditions and most snow in the poconos, so quit talking shit on the fan guns, and the snowmakers; it just shows what a moron you are. You should get a job, or a life; and F_CK OFF!!



wow....thats all I can say right now.....

Edited by syd harvey
Posted (edited)
  bigdaddyk said:
It would be nice if they could keep a lot of that on the trails, but with the wind, it's got to be hard.


Everyone is alway's asking for advice,so here goes.Say for example on East Mtn.,If you have a east wind,get your steezy snocat operator to pile up a windbreak(a small one for each gun) behind the snowgun's on the far east side of the slope,then have the gun's pointed east as well and downward(tripod wisper).Visa versa for a west wind,it doesn't need to be too high,5'-8' or so,it's amazing how much that snow will break the wind.FREEBIE!!!



<- East Wind








guns-> >|| <- windbreak

Edited by YummerzZz
  fluffy said:
I thought you were a snowmaker at Frost. You have all the inside knowledge. Why aren't you passing all your expert snowmaking skills on to your boys at Frost?



hey r u a snowmaker....do u know what the hell all goes on in the process of making snow....pls enlighten us all....and if u r not a snowmaker....what do u do there then........and u could enlighten us on that topic.....just curious after all what u know

Posted (edited)
  jkb111 said:
ahh, don't you just love disgruntled ex employees!!! Hey Yumerz we get it, you got canned and now you hate JFBB. However, I like reading the condition updates given by bigdaddyk and others, and am tired of you adding pointless comments to their threads. Yeah, it was not that cold last night, but they were still able to make some snow. I skied Challege earlier in the week and it is like six snowcats wide. If you want to talk shit on JFBB thats fine, start a new thread and just reply back and forth to yourself. JFBB has the best conditions and most snow in the poconos, so quit talking shit on the fan guns, and the snowmakers; it just shows what a moron you are. You should get a job, or a life; and F_CK OFF!!



hey there wonderful lito Peak Resorts Lacky......seems u got a lot of nothing useful to say either there.......I think I can safely say I myself do enjoy reading the updates that everyone posts....also....seems to me u got a bit wrong....there is no shit being talked bout JFBB, or the snowmaking team...the shits being talked about the Antichrist which u know as the all mighty PEAKS RESORTS....hell I am sure even u can agree with me on this....keeping the snow outta the tress would be great...after all would you want the weight of the snow to snap a tree on the lift line now eh....I am thinking that might suck if that happens......sorry yummerzz gonna use a bit of what u said here...Fact's are,the trail's are narrow,the snow is marginal and JFBB has had more open in bad weather before the fan's were ever installed.2001-2002 winter as an example....hmm thats a 100% true...how bout that...anything to say now huh...can't hear ya SPEAK UP A BIT...another fact is to...Sno Mountain would be the same way probably better right now....its just that the sale kept getting stalled and stalled....think bout it...,and remember play nice on the narrow ass slopes which EVERYONE has to go down...that just might be a reason freeskiers go down the parks....options are kinda limited on where they can go u know......and if worse comes to worse....go tubing.........ohh wait...can't thats closed to...sorry.....yeah....mountains looking great I would say....maybe if you're on a damn acid trip.....come to think of it now to....this seems to be the only snow that comes 1st :sniffcrack:

Edited by syd harvey
  Papasteeze said:
we are headed to NH 2 days, then VT for 2 days with a stop in NY and then back to BB. I am suspecting that BB is way ahead of everyone on the park scene in the entire east.



and who now helped get BB that way in the park scene....ohh thats right PARK LOGIC....sure not the staff running the parks now, although it seems they r doing an ok job from my understanding on keeping up with everything


Well everyone who has been at JFBB please remind the trashtalkers that the slopes at JFBB are open side to side.....so how can anyone say the trails are narrow? I'll give you East Mountain as the only thing that could possibly be called narrow. Challenge, ONE Park, Easystyle, Jane's Lane, Powder Puff, Frosty, Snowflake.....all side to side.


And yes, Yumz and Syd are two disgruntled ex-employees who are cowards so they go on a message board and spread negative vibes. Whoever fired them must have realized they are a cancer to the staff of JFBB.


Keep the snow reports coming! For those of us who enjoy talking about the good things going on at JFBB and all the local mountains it's about makin' some turns and hittin' some jumps. See you all at Frost today if you are out!

  fluffy said:
Well everyone who has been at JFBB please remind the trashtalkers that the slopes at JFBB are open side to side.....so how can anyone say the trails are narrow? I'll give you East Mountain as the only thing that could possibly be called narrow. Challenge, ONE Park, Easystyle, Jane's Lane, Powder Puff, Frosty, Snowflake.....all side to side.


And yes, Yumz and Syd are two disgruntled ex-employees who are cowards so they go on a message board and spread negative vibes. Whoever fired them must have realized they are a cancer to the staff of JFBB.


Keep the snow reports coming! For those of us who enjoy talking about the good things going on at JFBB and all the local mountains it's about makin' some turns and hittin' some jumps. See you all at Frost today if you are out!


Someone was looking at the webcam and reminded me that Merry Widow,Tannenbaum,and Little Boulder were pretty narrow also fluffy,I guess you don't get over there much.And as long as nobody get's the wrong impression,I was never a member of PL,nor have I seen or spoke with them since their untimely deparature from JFBB.Keep the disgruntled employee list piling up PEAK!!!GREAT JOB!!!And yes I enjoy reading BDK's condition report too,I actually told him in another thread somewhere that the snow would be fresh on the lower 1/4 of JF lastnight,he seem's to enjoy my commentary as well.

  YummerzZz said:
Someone was looking at the webcam and reminded me that Merry Widow,Tannenbaum,and Little Boulder were pretty narrow also fluffy,I guess you don't get over there much.And as long as nobody get's the wrong impression,I was never a member of PL,nor have I seen or spoke with them since their untimely deparature from JFBB.Keep the disgruntled employee list piling up PEAK!!!GREAT JOB!!!And yes I enjoy reading BDK's condition report too,I actually told him in another thread somewhere that the snow would be fresh on the lower 1/4 of JF lastnight,he seem's to enjoy my commentary as well.


I have to admitt, you have been correct with a lot of the commentary about the snowmaking. Although, I do see there side, where they are concentrating on blowing snow on the existing trails to keep them open. I'm not experienced at snowmaking, but wouldn't the way the weather has been make it difficult for them to make any reasonable amount of base snow to open new trails?

  bbg said:
Thank God someone said it to him...

Well... about the advertising.... this is the first year i have ever seen or heard anything about JFBB on just about every radio station in this area... All other radio stations / TV stations, are plugging JFBB cause we are the only ones open and the entire organization is the best in years.... Funny thing though.... Every other mountain in PA is advertising "The best snow ever" ads all over the place along with " We are like Vermont without the drive"... Come on already.... Everyone needs to give Peak and the staff at JFBB props for actually working together and completing one goal at a time.... Props to the advertising dept.... Last but not least, JFBB does get tons and tons of the NY-ers and NJ-ers....

Thanks jkb111...


Its amazing that JFBB has the

-Best Snow around

-more terrain open then the majority

-amazing grooming

-perfect ski conditions in terrible weather

-and the best terrain parks out right now

that some people still have the nerve to complain.


Peak Resorts deserves so much praise for what they have done and have open.


(P.S. the only thing i would recommend them do more of is Public Advertisement; get the word out more about how great the conditions are at JFBB and try and pull in the NY and NJ crowd like Shawnee does with Billboards in NY)



  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
  jkb111 said:
ahh, don't you just love disgruntled ex employees!!! Hey Yumerz we get it, you got canned and now you hate JFBB. However, I like reading the condition updates given by bigdaddyk and others, and am tired of you adding pointless comments to their threads. Yeah, it was not that cold last night, but they were still able to make some snow. I skied Challege earlier in the week and it is like six snowcats wide. If you want to talk shit on JFBB thats fine, start a new thread and just reply back and forth to yourself. JFBB has the best conditions and most snow in the poconos, so quit talking shit on the fan guns, and the snowmakers; it just shows what a moron you are. You should get a job, or a life; and F_CK OFF!!


Hey everyone! Sure hope everyone is enjoying the return to winter! Just wanted to point out a few things.... Notice how the person I quoted is trashtalking an "ex employee"? Now that we establish this, check out the username and I'm sure you can figure out their true identity. FYI....this person used to trade private messages with us on this board, so we know for a fact who it is, but we'll leave it up to you to solve this riddle. very tacky. Cheers! :wiggle

Edited by ParkLogic
  ParkLogic said:
Hey everyone! Sure hope everyone is enjoying the return to winter! Just wanted to point out a few things.... Notice how the person I quoted is trashtalking an "ex employee"? Now that we establish this, check out the username and I'm sure you can figure out their true identity. FYI....this person used to trade private messages with us on this board, so we know for a fact who it is, but we'll leave it up to you to solve this riddle. very tacky. Cheers! :wiggle

come on, who is it? someone in JFBB management?

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