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CB 1/4/07


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I thought I'd get one last quick ride in before the weather closes CB down this weekend so did 7-9.30 or so at CB yesterday evening.


Although fairly wet, the conditions were actually pretty damn good, especially on cleos and tuts, and strangely I seemed to be 1 of only 4-5 people that was using cleos which was awesome because the uphill bank was still in really good condition so it was mucho fun.


Honeymoon lane was pretty sketchy as the night wore on (sadly this is the only way out from cleos), seemed lie the dark patches, rocks (and branches!) poking through got worse every run.


If it's warm and/or rainy today, this could be the last chance to ski/ride at CB for a week.


Interestingly I was talking to a ranger on the lift and he was quite openly voicing the opinion, as an employee of CB, that "there's no chance of them getting the new half-pipe or any of the east side open this year". Seemed a little early to be making those kind of judgements to me, but maybe that's the message they are getting.....

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can somebody please get pics of their park, i want to see it and cb isnt doing crap about it on their daily pics.


The park is not worth any pictures... same stuff they've had there all year (except the pipe is now closed) and pretty slushy surface. Credit is due for keping it (nearly) at the level they started at, but no one of any ability is going to be happy there.


If it's not raining this evening I may go up again, I'll take my camera.

Edited by Timeless
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thats the message everyone is gettin, from every mtn, except bb.


can somebody please get pics of their park, i want to see it and cb isnt doing crap about it on their daily pics.



A waist high 6' long rainbow box, 2 flatboxes about 8" wide one is 8' the other 10'. The same hit they setup every year in the middle. "Picnic tables" which is really like a 15' long butter box with 2 1" stepdowns. Then a new flat down with a longer flat and shorter down than the one they had previously. It's setup where the hit at the bottom of laurel usually is.


The lips are better than ever before, but still awful, and still ride on.


Oh and Timeless....


Have we ever met? I don't recall ever riding with you.


Anyways, I didn't think yesterday was anything to jump up and down about. I think wed was pretty good, not quite as slushy, and still soft enough to sink an edge without too much work.

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Oh and Timeless....


Have we ever met? I don't recall ever riding with you.


Anyways, I didn't think yesterday was anything to jump up and down about. I think wed was pretty good, not quite as slushy, and still soft enough to sink an edge without too much work.


No, I've yet to meet anyone from the MB despite riding at CB alot either by myself or with my kids but then I try to miss the peak hours as much as possible and don't get to go at night too often because of work, so maybe it's no surprise.


It may not really have been anything to jump up and down about but it sure was a whole lot better than I expected (and better than today :crymore: ), I didn't think tut's and cleo's were too slushy, it was only on the lower sections that it got sketchy.

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