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its that time again


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starting tomorrow...

bus loads of kids

thursday night = middle school

friday night = highschool



and while i made a new post

why does cb open late and close early.

open at noon tomorrow? and they closed at 4 some days



they didnt do this last year i dont think.

Edited by Shadows
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why does cb open late and close early.

open at noon tomorrow? and they closed at 4 some days



they didnt do this last year i dont think.


Last year, they were 100% open by Christmas week. This year, it's been a constant challenge to have minimal terrain available and/or to just be open. There's your answer.

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Last year, they were 100% open by Christmas week. This year, it's been a constant challenge to have minimal terrain available and/or to just be open. There's your answer.


you should have seen Okemo last weekend, they were in worst shape and they were open...

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starting tomorrow...

bus loads of kids

thursday night = middle school

friday night = highschool

and while i made a new post

why does cb open late and close early.

open at noon tomorrow? and they closed at 4 some days



they didnt do this last year i dont think.



I thought you didn't go to CB anymore?

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you should have seen Okemo last weekend, they were in worst shape and they were open...


So what's your point? The question asked about Camelback this year verses last year.

Who cares about Okemo. Surely by now, even you have to realize that Camelback doesn't check with Okemo, Jackson Hole, Breckenridge, or Northstar before deciding what is best for them to do.

Your reply is like saying, "You should have seen Mammouth last year in June. They were in better shape than Camelback and they closed."


It is what it is. They run CB the way they do. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. Hey here's a thought, try being constructive for once. We finally get some snowmaking weather, something to be positive about, and all you can do is complain.

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It is what it is. They run CB the way they do. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. Hey here's a thought, try being constructive for once. We finally get some snowmaking weather, something to be positive about, and all you can do is complain.



Every constructive suggestion I have ever made is met with the same attitude and silly touristy repsonses that you have. You fit well at CB.. I am curious, do you pay for your pass at CB?

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Every constructive suggestion I have ever made is met with the same attitude and silly touristy repsonses that you have. You fit well at CB.. I am curious, do you pay for your pass at CB?


You get the attitude because you can't make a constructive suggestion once or twice; you have to say it over and over and over and over. . . . then you add on your pompous comments onto your sugestions over and over and over and over . . . . then when you have no answer to the question that was asked ("So what's your point? The question asked about Camelback this year verses last year."), you throw a jab at CB and/or anyone who doesn't agree with your CB-bashing. Yeah, I pay for my pass. Last time I checked they weren't giving them out for free.

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You get the attitude because you can't make a constructive suggestion once or twice; you have to say it over and over and over and over. . . . then you add on your pompous comments onto your sugestions over and over and over and over . . . . then when you have no answer to the question that was asked ("So what's your point? The question asked about Camelback this year verses last year."), you throw a jab at CB and/or anyone who doesn't agree with your CB-bashing. Yeah, I pay for my pass. Last time I checked they weren't giving them out for free.



Surely you recognize that CB gets "bashed" on more often than anyone else year after year. Have you ever stopped and wondered why? It's is simple, it treats the core snow customers worse than any other mountain around. Sorry you have to pay for your pass. :wiggle


Do you ski anywhere else besides CB?

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You get the attitude because you can't make a constructive suggestion once or twice; you have to say it over and over and over and over. . . . then you add on your pompous comments onto your sugestions over and over and over and over . . . . then when you have no answer to the question that was asked ("So what's your point? The question asked about Camelback this year verses last year."), you throw a jab at CB and/or anyone who doesn't agree with your CB-bashing. Yeah, I pay for my pass. Last time I checked they weren't giving them out for free.


You are exactly right. Too bad you are trying to talk sense to a moron.




I used to ski at Mountain Creek, and now I love CB!



That's where I learned. Ironically by going up on Tuesday nights with my Jr. High and High school ski clubs

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You are exactly right. Too bad you are trying to talk sense to a moron.

That's where I learned. Ironically by going up on Tuesday nights with my Jr. High and High school ski clubs


I'm not sure Moron is fair (but I haven't met him in person yet), I just think P'steeze's expectations are too high.


Camelback is a small regional resort and waterpark that is looking to make a significant profit for it's new owners. I don't think their attitude to the "core" matters much in this respect. if we all took our season passes elsewhere it wouldn't dent their bottom line.

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I'm not sure Moron is fair (but I haven't met him in person yet), I just think P'steeze's expectations are too high.


Camelback is a small regional resort and waterpark that is looking to make a significant profit for it's new owners. I don't think their attitude to the "core" matters much in this respect. if we all took our season passes elsewhere it wouldn't dent their bottom line.



No moron is fair.. I don't know nuthin... LOL! CB is not small. They are the driving force to the entire economy in that region. They also have the most ticket sales of any mountain in the area. So when they suck at life, that makes them fair game.


My favorite item is how the upper parking lot is for employees to fill up before 8am. That says tons about thier attitude towards the paying customer. They don't have to act right because they will have profitable ticket sales regardless of what anyone says or does to them.



So what's your point? The question asked about Camelback this year verses last year.


I was told numerous times that the attitude and air was going to change at CB over the summer and to hang in another year. I am not seeing it.

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I was told numerous times that the attitude and air was going to change at CB over the summer and to hang in another year. I am not seeing it.


Again, . . . try . . . to . . . answer . . . . the . . . . question. What does Okemo have to do with Camelback?

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Again, . . . try . . . to . . . answer . . . . the . . . . question. What does Okemo have to do with Camelback?


The fact that they had less coverage on the trails than camelback and that they remained open, thats all. We had fun pond and mud skimming there. Then the following day.........


Stowe was in worse shape with all the rocks and sand groomed into the runs IMO. I have never experienced damage like that.


The fact is that Camelback could have left thier park open and let the local kids hike the couple of crappy jibs that they have even on the nights they closed at a bare minimum. They say they close to save the snow, hog wash... They don't appear to try one little bit because they simply don't have to.


So how do you feel about employee parking being the closest spots to the lodge? :wiggle

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The fact is that Camelback could have left thier park open and let the local kids hike the couple of crappy jibs that they have even on the nights they closed at a bare minimum. They say they close to save the snow, hog wash... They don't appear to try one little bit because they simply don't have to.


I don't believe they have the luxury of being a little bit open as you suggest. Either they are all the way open or they are all the way closed. One of those kids gets hurt and CB has a lawsuit to contend with. That's the reality they deal with.



So how do you feel about employee parking being the closest spots to the lodge? :wiggle



What "employee parking" are you talking about? I have never seen any parking areas or spaces designated as "employee parking". It's first come-first serve. If you have to sleep in, you have to walk, or take the shuttle bus. Yeah, you taking the shuttle bus. Now that's something that I would pay to see.

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The fact that they had less coverage on the trails than camelback and that they remained open, thats all. We had fun pond and mud skimming there. Then the following day.........wwaaaaah waaah waaah


Stowe was in worse shape with all the rocks and sand groomed into the runs IMO. I have never experienced damage like that. waaah waah


The fact is that Camelback could have left thier park open and let the local kids hike the couple of crappy jibs that they have even on the nights they closed at a bare minimum. They say they close to save the snow, hog wash... They don't appear to try one little bit because they simply don't have to. waaaaaaaaaaaaaah


So how do you feel about employee parking being the closest spots to the lodge? waaaaaah waaah :crymore::crymore::crymore:


And you were saying Jdew?? I rest my case.


What "employee parking" are you talking about? I have never seen any parking areas or spaces designated as "employee parking". It's first come-first serve. If you have to sleep in, you have to walk, or take the shuttle bus. Yeah, you taking the shuttle bus. Now that's something that I would pay to see.


mommawhine wants to be able to show up at 8 AM and have a spot reserved next to the lodge.

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I don't believe they have the luxury of being a little bit open as you suggest. Either they are all the way open or they are all the way closed. One of those kids gets hurt and CB has a lawsuit to contend with. That's the reality they deal with.


With 2-3 trails open only on one side of the mountain from top to bottom, and all those busloads of kids there tonight and last night...it felt like the song they should have been playing on the terrain park instead of that techno stuff was "let the bodies hit the floor". When you have that many people being "cattle chuted" down a handful of trails on only the west side of the mountain, injuries are bound to happen (unless you dont consider what they have open right now as a "little" open). Just my 2 cents :)

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