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A cold Wed. Morning Report - 1/17


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When you say moving to the East during the day, does that mean that we will have new terrain by tomorrow? If you only have a set snowmaking capacitiy and are moving on to new trails, can we assume that snowmaking on the west side on additional terrain is complete?

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Snowmaking will continue on sections of the original 9 west trails periodically. Going towards the East -- the crews will focus first on the middle mountain slopes -- and then start the far east slopes. As for new trails, I think we'll have Marjie's open within the next day or two. As for the far east side, Raceway, Rhodo and Nile Mile are the first top priorities. If we keep the real cold temps, trails will open fast!! Snowmaking has been efficient (cold temps, lower humidty and light winds) and everything is maxxed out. Snow making has been going for a little over 24 hours straight!!! Let's keep our fingers crossed for keeping the cold temps -- and the forecast does look good.


The only hitch is mid-day highs might get slightly above freezing over the weekend and temporarly slow snowmaking operations. I was talking to a snowmaker about this, he said, "We'll find shade and make snow there." These guys are commited to burrying this mountain in snow!!!


I'll post more as I get it.

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Snowmaking will continue on sections of the original 9 west trails periodically. Going towards the East -- the crews will focus first on the middle mountain slopes -- and then start the far east slopes. As for new trails, I think we'll have Marjie's open within the next day or two.


The only hitch is mid-day highs might get slightly above freezing over the weekend and temporarly slow snowmaking operations. I was talking to a snowmaker about this, he said, "We'll find shade and make snow there." These guys are commited to burrying this mountain in snow!!!


I'll post more as I get it.

Well at least they will have Marjie's open on the Wesside. That's one of my favorites!


Forcast showed that only Thursday and Friday will be "warm" at 36. (Not that I should trust the forcasts anymore) Looks like decent snowmaking weather throughout the weekend. Let's hope it holds out.


I'm friggin so psyched winter is finally here!!!!!!!! :D:clap:clap2:drink::beer:

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