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Patrol Tip of the Week


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I am a big believer in putting the bar down. First of all, when I was in college, a school mate of mine leaned over to unbuckle his boot buckle and fell off the chair onto a concrete slab. Paralyzed for life. I've also been on high speed quad that started to move BACKWARDS as much as twenty feet before stopping again. It's one thing if you're on the end, you can grab the armrest, but another if you are in the middle seats. Second, I want to use that foot rest. It saves your knees, and it also helps keep your feet warm by allowing you to neutralize the position of your foot in the boot so the weight is not on that vein on the top of your foot AND it prevents the circulation in my legs from going. I loved Alta except there wasn't a footrest on the whole mountain. Every run I had to wait at the top for the fizzies in my legs to stop before I went down the hill. So, if you ride a chair with me, the bar is coming down. I'll warn you first, but it's coming down.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Please, for the love of god (or whomever you choose) put your restraint bars down on the chairlifts! The chair can stop very quickly, in the case of an emergency, and the possibility of falling out is there. It is also a very good example to set for "new" skiers and riders who may not know about the risk.


I am curious, for a mountain that focuses on beginner ticket sales. Why would they put this picture up?



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I am curious, for a mountain that focuses on beginner ticket sales. Why would they put this picture up?




They're obviously just about to get off of the lift, that's why they are looking ahead, checking for loose clothing and keeping their ski tips up.

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