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BB snow depth


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I saw the snow depth for BB listed as 110 inches, but didn't give much thought to it, until I arrived Thursday night (Feb 8th). This was my first time at BB in about three weeks. This pic was taken from the base, near the Merry Widow lift. It's not the best, but my fingers were too frozen to re-take it. The depth is actually deeper on other parts of the mountain. The really blew the shit out of the place, the last three weeks :blink: .

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the base on the big boulder trail in march last year was impressive to say the least.

it was fucking rediculous, it all went to waste in the end though, when they closed 2nd week in march like usual. I cant see them reopening after the snowmobile races, but i would love it if they proved me wrong



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it was fucking rediculous, it all went to waste in the end though, when they closed 2nd week in march like usual. I cant see them reopening after the snowmobile races, but i would love it if they proved me wrong




I thought the same. If they don't plan on re-opening, they should use that money for blowing snow at JF.

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You'd rather ski at BB instead of Blue, in April :confused ?


Blue wont be open in April, they will close 1 hour after CB so they can claim to be open longer.


To be fair, I think they were open a whole week later than CB last year, we had fun surfing the slush over there.

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Blue wont be open in April, they will close 1 hour after CB so they can claim to be open longer.


To be fair, I think they were open a whole week later than CB last year, we had fun surfing the slush over there.

and of course JFBB has such a great record of staying open late :confused

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I cant see them reopening after the snowmobile races, but i would love it if they proved me wrong





They are planning on staying open till april. They said after the snowboard races they are going to leave EVERYTHING up and they are gonna be open as long as there is snow on the mtn. No matter how shitty, or how little snow there is.

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if they are really going to do this, IMO, they should move beach party weekend later into march or the first weekend in april or something, just so theres something to draw people back to the mountain, and it will be guaranteed to be warmer for pond skimming.



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That would be awesome and I heard rumors from a Camelback patroller that CB is thinking of staying open into April..



hhahahahahahahahahaaahahahahahahaaaa - they better blow some more snow.



If that is even faintly true, they will announce a later than usual closure early and then close early blaming the weather for melting the snow.

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I like how that dude who was announcing the winners for Z-Games last night made fun of sno..even tho we have a bigger base and I personally like our park,if the rails were all bunched up off every headwall we would have so much more flow in the park and it would own BB's park.Although I really liked BB's jumps in the big park but you definitely get more air on sno's jumps,BB's jumps are more of a launcher jump,Sno's lips on their jumps are almost like quarter pipes and shoot you straight up just enough to get half way down the landing and flow whatever you want off it.

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Exposure has a lot to do with it. They could pile up 100 feet of snow - if it gets hit by the sun come March it will melt quick.


A good example - Mountain Creek's Superpipe near the end of march, the riders right wall will be 2-3 feet shorter than the riders left wall because it gets the afternoon sun while the left wall gets the morning sun. It doesn't do much during Jan/Feb, but march the sun gets a hell of a lot hotter. Same thing last year they had 2 hips and the riders ride one was always slushy and the riders left was cold and icy. It takes a bit of planning but if around march they move all the snow features (jumps etc) to the shady side, and put jibs on the sunny side, more snow will last. Then as it melts out you can make the jumps smaller, then finally plow them out into a jib line in the shade and stretch it into April. Its not impossible - people used to hike up to Mountain Creek's jumps in exhibition at South because they were in the shade. One year it was May and people had shoveled a like 3 foot wide run into the table that was still there and were hitting it. Either last year or the year before they started plowing the jumps flat at the end of the season (which is lame) to prevent people from hiking, but prior to that a lot of people did it.

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its also because they are higher than everyone else


1900 ft at the top of JF, vs 1500 ft at the top of Booter. It's not that big of a difference.


I'm pretty sure it has to do with the size. They have a lot of snowmaking (all relative) for such a limited amount of terrain, which means they can focus all their efforts on the whole mountain, constantly. Bigger places like CB and Blue, can't.

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1900 ft at the top of JF, vs 1500 ft at the top of Booter. It's not that big of a difference.


I'm pretty sure it has to do with the size. They have a lot of snowmaking (all relative) for such a limited amount of terrain, which means they can focus all their efforts on the whole mountain, constantly. Bigger places like CB and Blue, can't.



400 ft can make a differnece in marginal temps, though.

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