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FREE day


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I think it would be a good idea for bear creek on a day like today when the roads are bad to say whoever can make it up to the mountain can ride for free. The only people that are going to go up on a day like this are season pass holders for porb like a couple hours, so if you said whoever got the could ride for free you still wouldnt have that many people but it would just show that bear cares and is still trying to make the poeple happy during the short season.


P.S. i have a season pass so this has nothing to do with me just and idea even though you might have to wait till next year to do it considering it doesnt look like we are going to get that many snowstorms after today

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We already know bear creek cares and they wouldn't need to do something like that, not to mention that would almost show they care less because of the danger when driving on roads with conditions like today; Not to mention they would lose that much more business and money because everyone that heard about it would try and make it so they'd also loose income there. Also they would have to pay all their employees with money that wouldn't really be getting made back due to the issues above, the one thing I do have to ask is would you also think food would be included in this free day because that's just one more huge way the make income for the mountain.

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We already know bear creek cares and they wouldn't need to do something like that, not to mention that would almost show they care less because of the danger when driving on roads with conditions like today; Not to mention they would lose that much more business and money because everyone that heard about it would try and make it so they'd also loose income there. Also they would have to pay all their employees with money that wouldn't really be getting made back due to the issues above, the one thing I do have to ask is would you also think food would be included in this free day because that's just one more huge way the make income for the mountain.


you may know that bear creek cares but most people still have bad thoughts about them just because of the shortened season. Also they wouldnt be responsible for accidents it wouldnt be theyre fault if somebody got in a accident driving like a maniac up there also one day would do nothing to their profit on a day like that. Most people that buy tickets dont look at the message boards and websites and also dont go up on weekdays, so there wouldnt be a lot of people and wouldnt effect them paying their employees and no i never said food would be free then that would just be way out of hand.

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JFBB has had free (customer appreciation) days for the last 2 seasons, although it seems peak has eliminated it this year. you still had to get a ticket, but they just had people standing by the ticket windows handing them out.




Went by myself last year, ticket window dude even asked me how many I wanted. The snow was still pretty good for late March too. Wish they'd do it again this season.

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JFBB has had free (customer appreciation) days for the last 2 seasons, although it seems peak has eliminated it this year. you still had to get a ticket, but they just had people standing by the ticket windows handing them out.



thats really friggen lame

Edited by k2fujative
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JFBB has had free (customer appreciation) days for the last 2 seasons, although it seems peak has eliminated it this year. you still had to get a ticket, but they just had people standing by the ticket windows handing them out.



Ya, I've been looking for it on their website but I also don't think they will have it this year. I like East Mt at Jack Frost, but the runs are too short so the only way you'll get me to go there is with a discount or free ticket. You've got to be a fool to pay $46 for a JFBB ticket when you could pay the same for tickets Blue, Camelback, or Sno.

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