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i am probably a 70 percent free rider and every once in a while ill hit jumps but no jibs, is the 06/07 cartel a good choice of binding, is it responsive enough, i ride a soloman patrol 167 wide


It's responsive, but do you like forward lean..


because of the high back it's got forward lean built in that can't be taken off.


go with rome arsenals...cheaper and better than the cartels...perfect for all mountain or the park.


i have 50 days on mine, still going strong. I'm sure they could easy do 100 more.

Posted (edited)

it depends on your personal preference. its tall and comfortable, but the back and base are not very stiff. stiffer materials provide more response, which you may or may not desire. i would think that the slight minimum forward lean would not be an issue as wanting free riding with no forward lean just seems odd to me, but everyone is different. bindings by rome are also a great choice, especially with rome having a couple of years under them now. if money is an issue, cartels and arsenals can be easily had for $100 or even less with luck. at the end of the day, too much emphasis is put on equipment. progress, have fun, and ride whatever makes your heart flutter.

Edited by skitzo
  skitzo said:
it depends on your personal preference. its tall and comfortable, but the back and base are not very stiff. stiffer materials provide more response, which you may or may not desire. i would think that the slight minimum forward lean would not be an issue as wanting free riding with no forward lean just seems odd to me, but everyone is different. bindings by rome are also a great choice, especially with rome having a couple of years under them now. if money is an issue, cartels and arsenals can be easily had for $100 or even less with luck. at the end of the day, too much emphasis is put on equipment. progress, have fun, and ride whatever makes your heart flutter.



I freeride, i use no forward lean. I hated cartels.


To each his own. It's not hard to remember to bend your knees, i don't need the binding to do it for me.



I had P1's after i sent my cartels back. There ok for freeriding. I like my bindings stiff, which these are not this stiffest.



Right now i ride Ride SPi's. I love them.


im from the cranked lean camp not so much due to forgetting to bend my knees but the added response complimenting my personal free riding style. ride is a big player in bindings, and their solid product should always be considered.


I kind of franken bindered mine. Burton straps are still by far the best. So i have super and cap straps from the P1.


frankenbuilding is great when you know what you want and whats out there. the wholes of my two mash ups are greater than the sums of their parts.


i think i might have a weird shaped foot and ive ridden ride mvmt betas and rome 390's but i just cant find a set of bingings that fit as nicely as the burton straps...and i found p1s for 129 so i think im going to go with them


Thats your boot not your foot. Your foot won't change the footprint or shape of the boot at all.


If your riding burton boots.. Yes of course the burton binding is gonna be the best fit. I prefer aluminum over plastic right now, and the stiffest burton binding being the c60 and costs about 350... I got something that to me felt stiffer for 190..


Burton's build quality atleast in my eye's has been going down the tubes lately. To much technical BS, and to many things to break. I like to keep it simple.


i got the p1 wingtips...they are the most comfortable, hottest looking, most responsive binding ive ever ridden, amazing man, the salamon patrol is a sick ass board too, flexy in the nose and tail with alot of pop but stiff between the bindings

  skitzo said:
you havent seen anything yet.



This is true. I take it you've never ridden anything that is actually very Repsonsive. The p1 is a realativly flexy binding.


they arent super stiff, but they are really responsive, i dont really enjoy having people talk down upon me like i havent seen anything yet...i rode the c60 if you wanna talk about responsiveness but they are not that comfortable...i was saying that they are the most please all around, the most comfortable, hottest looking, most responsive...im completely happy.

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