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Schibbs Productions


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uhhhh......hi this is kristeezy, i dont know my password anymore but..........

so....i agree with everything calvin just said and everyone needs to stop hating, i dont know if you guys knew this but... schibbs is known on a national level.


one of his edits got 4th place in a worldwide GTS Transworld Snowboarding contest......thats big.


his edits are dope and just because he only has a handful of skiers in there doesnt mean he hates skiers or is perjudice against them....thats the problem, you guys dont realize he is a SNOWBOARDING company...and puts his friends that are skiers in...


look at his team....all snowboarders.

LET IT GO. hes good

Hey Calvin! :wiggle
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alright first off. nick you have to chill bc me and calvin are just friends... plus he lives in NJ. how do we even fluirt? i barely talk to him and even if he did so what.. u talk to girls. why would u ask him to film for him and then go and talk about him saying shit. and second off. everyone is really really fucked up becuz why is everyone hating on scibbsproductions? its a snowboarding production !! so therefore he should have snowboarders in his videos! wow makes sense.. right? and i find this whole thing really funny when i read it. im not just on cals side. he is simply just my friend. :) i would never wanna hurt nick=) cuz hes awesome! k. thankssss !

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