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whistler TR


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after some mad online purchasing of ski goods, i have nothing better to do. even though its a little late and pointless now.


justo, kt, stone, miller, trev and of course myself went to blackcomb mid may.

we leave the valley around 2am or so to catch a flight in Illadel. get out on the turnpike and justins car starts over heating. we limp to a park and ride where the extremely nice parents of kevin and justin trade cars with us. in the red eye hours of the morning/late night. we made it to the airport. while we're waiting in line for security i notice a cop/TSA/security guard with an extremely obvious xyz. get to our gate 5 minutes before last call, but we made it.

land in seattle and get a pimp full sized pathfinder to roll up in. anything less wasnt going to happen at all. 6 guys who over packed and brought 2 pairs of skis each wasnt fittin in anything smaller. stopped at kidd valley to get some burgers than headed up to the border.




Customs went smoothly. we (and when i say 'we' i mean 'I") declared we arent asian but she didnt hear me. which was probably a really good thing she didnt.




once we got out of vancouver we hit the sea to sky highway. its a crazy road with incredible views.




almost there we stopped off at shannon falls and played tourists for a little bit.




so now we're in whistler and go get our room. we stayed at two places throughout the trip. first place was about a 30 second walk from the gondola. the place was sick and came complete with our own private swim tub. we go walk around the village and check shit out. the second place was cool. nothing to talk about here.


view from our first place



the bike park with a good focus on the log the cam is resting on...



the first day skiing was pretty akward for most of us. nobody could find any flow or rhythm. i didnt land one thing on jumps. it was just bail after bail and a few yardsales here and there. spring snow though so it made the 50-60 feet feel not so bad. nothing really great went down on the first day. everyone just tried to get a flow going.

second day saw a big improvement. tricks were gettin stomped, rails were being slayed, everyone was improving. really sick day. people were starting to throw down pretty hard.

the third day i think was the best park day of the whole trip. kt and I were claiming 10s before we even got on the hill. I was talking about hitting the 85-95 foot (or so) stepover they had setup. i got a few rail tricks down, kt comes out of no where with an octo five, justo gets his first 450 out i think, trev is spinning 5s that are between cork and straight which look really sick, and miller is throwing dope blunt 5s to penguin slides all day.

we never went for 10s, and i never did the stepover so that was dumb. but it was still a sick day.


the U ditch



the fourth day was by FAR the most fun i would have the whole trip, no contest. we didnt hit park at all, just cruised around 7th heaven the whole day.








jersey cream



the day is gettin of to an awesome start. we're rippin down bowls and jumpin off little natural kickers. its going good. justo pulls this sick double eject to face plant. it was the funniest shit ive ever seen. straight up lands on top of a mogul, skis explode and he dives headfirst down the slope. it was perfect.

we then go to check out the summer camp lanes over on the glacier. nothing is built yet but theyre starting to push snow around for some things. all of us ski over to this backcountry feature that we wanted to check out. trev skis down this little chute and stops farther down. im up there scoping it out seeing whats good. its seems doable, not too big but still big enough to get some street cred with the kids. trev is down at the bottom going "yo! drop that cliff!"

so i set up and drop off it hoping for the best. when i was in the air i thought of jamie and how he mustve felt. making history and all, you know. im in the air, things looks good. im pretty confident about it. i then realize im not going to land too good so i just go with it and see what happens. as you know, it didnt go all that well. few things went wrong haha. i make some noises, scream, random vocal tunes etc.


i end up like this...



i dont know what other people do when they get hurt, but i just say really dumb shit. most of the time its random and most of the time i dont remember what exactly i was talking about. but i say it. guy with the drugs come and i love it. drugs saved my ass a lot of times.


you had to download from the mountain so they flew me out.



after that we left. drove back to seattle like this for 6 hours or something



i was feeling fine though. definitely got the most powerful drugs ive ever gotten from a doctor. the flights back were ok. i got dealt with fine as far as upgraded seats cause of my leg. got to roll around in wheel chairs, good stuff.


i guess thats it. heres a video featuring my wack ass style and awesomely spelled name.



i could proof read this, but who cares.

Edited by Shadows
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funny thing about kt's gnarly little drop there, is he was making fun of us for even wanting to hit it, so he sat on his tails and went for it. i think i ended up 180ing it maybe? and it wasnt my first 450 out, it was my first right 450 out though. i got left 450 at park city over spring break. oh, and the engine overheating was my headgaskets failing and bringing on a $2500 repair bill. so much for cheap vacation...

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Nice report, nicer pic's. Just what we need at this time of year.


How late in the season was that? The conditions look very "spring", but the bowl looked really good.


How long is the drive up from seattle?

it was in mid may. same time last year we got about a foot of snow though, so who knows. it was perfect weather all week though, nice and sunny and warm. the only way it could have been better was with a bunch of fresh snow. the drive from seattle was about 5 hours or so. basically it's their killington.

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