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It's a novel idea though. I was perusing their site with my wife and than found Copper Mountain. We may head there in early November. In order for us to get some good riding in together in we have to have her parents watch the munchkins but from Thanksgiving on the babysitting service is closed since they go to Florida for the Winter. Copper opens on 11/2 we could head out there about a week later.


Wow...my wife will learn to board in Colorado. It's almost a pun.

Posted (edited)
  Total Noob said:
Looks like there will be a few open runs. These are pics from last year. http://www.coppercolorado.com/mountain/gal..._2006/index.htmAt this point I'm not picky. I don't know what I'm doing anyway so I would be happy in my driveway. Regardless, it will be good to stash the rugrats and get away for a few days. :-)
last year was a very good early season, it is not likely to be like that every year. Also, loveland is your best bet for skiing in early november, not copper. Because of the higher elevation, they are able to get more open faster. A-Basin should be decent as well, but be prepared to wait in lift lines of 1-2 hours if you go there that early in the season. By the way, A Basin and Loveland opened last year on october 13th and 14th respectively with one trail each, but loveland did a much better job of getting more terrain open quicker IMHO. Edited by jordan
  Total Noob said:
I don't know what I'm doing anyway so I would be happy in my driveway.


Ha, if you're lucky you'll still think it's cool riding in your driveway after 20 seasons.

  GrilledSteezeSandwich said:
Cool so you get to ride in Colorado before you ride in PA..so does that mean snowboarding for three days???
Yup. We are going to be in pain :-) The first day is a half day lesson and the rest will be trying to figure out what we were just taught :-)
  ski said:
Ha, if you're lucky you'll still think it's cool riding in your driveway after 20 seasons.
That is a very good point.
  • 4 weeks later...


gurp , woww



but yea i want to ride so bad. i had to write some memoir type thing and i was writing about my trip to park city and now i really want to ride, its getting bad, i dont think i can wait untill december

  d-unit said:
why would you wait until december? how could you do that to yourself haha.


because we're poor and have to wait for mtns to open up around here. usually 2nd week of december.

thats why

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