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two days in a row in my backyard it was 19-22 degrees out but my snow maker wasnt ready yet so i wipped out the old backyard blizzard. well i tried at least three times twic during the day and once at night and still nothing i tried everything elevating it higher lower water pressure etc. but this damn machine wont make snow just ice two inches of thick ice. anybody wanna take a wake at this one?


i only have two theories

1: i need to rse the elevating like twice as high which doesnt seem possible unless i make a raised platform and

2 the water in my hose goes through several filters and its too clean for the water to nucleize around anything in wich i would have to resolve to problem 1

  grube master flex said:
two days in a row in my backyard it was 19-22 degrees out but my snow maker wasnt ready yet so i wipped out the old backyard blizzard. well i tried at least three times twic during the day and once at night and still nothing i tried everything elevating it higher lower water pressure etc. but this damn machine wont make snow just ice two inches of thick ice. anybody wanna take a wake at this one?


i only have two theories

1: i need to rse the elevating like twice as high which doesnt seem possible unless i make a raised platform and

2 the water in my hose goes through several filters and its too clean for the water to nucleize around anything in wich i would have to resolve to problem 1


if it was ice...that means probably too much water. :confused


I don't know alot about home snowmaking though :no


Well I don't know much about a backyard blizzard but I will try to give you a hand...


1. If its making ice probably too much water, turn the water down real low.

2. I think the machine has a built in compressor...something could be wrong with that.

3. There is no need to raise the elevation because it was designed to make snow at that height.

4. The temps were right so something must be going on, have you ever tried this machine before? If it worked then I would probably give the people a call and ask for help cause something must have happened.


From what I understand of the BYB, it is a single nozzle combo gun. This means that the top nozzle is exculsively water, while the bottom is a mix of water and air called a nuculizer. The top one should have the pressure washer hooked up to it (pretty sure), and the bottom one the air compressor. If you turn just the air compresor on, it should just blow lots of air out of the bottom nozzle. Once you turn on the water and the pressure washer, lots of water should come out of the top, and a very fine small mist out of the bottom.


This bottom one creates the nuclei, and it mixes in with the heavy falling water, and they make snow. I would imagine that you might have a freeze in your air line, or something that is stopping an air/water mix from coming out of the bottom.


Combo guns don't have anything to do with whats in your water, so don't worry about that.


So go out there tonight when its cold and


1. try just turning on the air and make sure that works


2. Turn on the water and make sure there is a mist out of the bottom and a lot of water out of the top.


Good luck!


(This is all assuming that this thing is a combo gun and not an internal mix or something. If there are 3 nozzles, the top two are water and the bottom is a nuc nozzle)


from what it looks like the two on top is just for water and the bottom is the air nozzle. btw this is the sport version. anyway's i tried lowering the water that didn't work i check out the nozzles and they are clean it is now 2 degrees out and i have it running in the past 30 minutes all i've made is a thin coat of just ice pellets that have frozen to the surface kinda like when you stick your tongue to a pole. i called the company and they jsut told me to go on the site and order parts (recording) i called fred's freeride in vermont where i got the thing and that number doesn't exist any more so im basically stranded here with you guys as my last resort. also i dont know if you would no this but there seems to be an exesive amount of water leaking from the bottom of the tank out of this little nozzle due to pressure maybe? should this be happening?


Ok well theres the problem. I once again have never seen this thing in person only in pics but this tank is it an air tank that stores air? If it is check the bottom there would be a drain valve and if that got loose you will lose air pressure and that could be the problem. You also said that water is coming out of it...thats an even bigger problem that means that water is getting backed into the compressor and it isn't functioning correctly. If water is in the tank open the drain valve and then let out the water.


Ok I just went to the website and looked at the parts. Number one thats the problem water is getting into the compressor and the drain valve isn't closed all the way. I would highly reccomend taking out the drain valve and let all the water get out. Then instead of putting that back in get a new drain valve it can be purchased at home depot for $1.99 I think and it resembles a "T". Don't reorder the drain valve from the backyard blizzard site because first that drain is junk and number 2 the price is VERY INFLATED and is worth less than a buck if even that. Another thing don't buy any parts from them they are way over priced.

  grube master flex said:
two days in a row in my backyard it was 19-22 degrees out but my snow maker wasnt ready yet so i wipped out the old backyard blizzard. well i tried at least three times twic during the day and once at night and still nothing i tried everything elevating it higher lower water pressure etc. but this damn machine wont make snow just ice two inches of thick ice. anybody wanna take a wake at this one?


i only have two theories

1: i need to rse the elevating like twice as high which doesnt seem possible unless i make a raised platform and

2 the water in my hose goes through several filters and its too clean for the water to nucleize around anything in wich i would have to resolve to problem 1

you should check the humidity. will prevent snowmaking even if it is cold enough. :confused


Its definently a combo gun then, almost exactly the same as the one I built.


Is there a air water mix coming out of the bottom nozzle?


I'll basically try and explain this to the best of my abilities





Now there should be water flowing out of the top two, and just a tiny bit of water should be let into the bottom nozzle. Air should collide with the tiny amount of water being let through to produce a fine mist.


If there is a lot of water leaking out of your air compressor tanks, then the water is overpowering the air compressor and water is being forced back down into the air compressor tanks. Obviously no snow will be made and only ice because of there not being any nuclei coming out of the bottom nozzle.


Post back here with the following information: Is there a strong amount of water coming out the top 2 nozzles? Is there a fine mist coming out of the bottom nozzle? We can help you out from there. :)

  grube master flex said:
from what it looks like the two on top is just for water and the bottom is the air nozzle. btw this is the sport version. anyway's i tried lowering the water that didn't work i check out the nozzles and they are clean it is now 2 degrees out and i have it running in the past 30 minutes all i've made is a thin coat of just ice pellets that have frozen to the surface kinda like when you stick your tongue to a pole.  i called the company and they jsut told me to go on the site and order parts (recording) i called fred's freeride in vermont where i got the thing and that number doesn't exist any more so im basically stranded here with you guys as my last resort. also i dont know if you would no this but there seems to be an exesive amount of water leaking from the bottom of the tank out of this little nozzle due to pressure maybe? should this be happening?


If the bottom is only air that is also a problem. Like stated above it needs to be a air/water mix. Also if posible pictures would probaly help alot.


well i would say i have enough water comming out of the top two nozzles to my knowledge. note: this thing has only worked once and the water was the same pressure so it seems right.

the air pressure is only air untill i turn this nob then it turns to a white strong mist. this when it actually looks like its making snow but its not. i'll respond with more info later.


That may be your problem there. You just need a very small amount of water in the air mixture. If there is a knob that controls the mix, make sure to only twist it a tiny bit until there is just a light very dry mist coming out the bottom. If you put your hand in front of it, it should feel almost dry.

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