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  Justin said:
The coping just adds to the strength of the box. Without it, the lexan will eventually wear on the sides from your edges grinding on it. Having the coping on the edges combats this and makes your box stronger.


Also, lexan is a bit of a soft material compared to the steel edges on your skis or board. It is possible to get hung up without coping.


Ya thats why I decided to put on some coping even thoguh it took forever to figure out how to do.

  vincent vega said:
how did you attatch the coping? liquid nails or something? or did you drill holes in the top, then screw through?


I put a bolt through the ends at an angle through the pipe into the 2x4. Then i drilled on hole through at the middle and sunk the screw in. I put the bolts at an angle at the end so I wouldn't have a hole at the top of the pipe. I couldn't figure out a way get around that in the middle so I had to.

Posted (edited)
  mikey said:
nice looking box...not be be a dick but did you really use that many 2x4's when framing it cuz that sure seems like a ton. i spaced mine like evey 2ft and it is sturdy as hell.

ya i def did not need that many 2x4s. if i were to do it again i would space them out a lot more, but im not gonna take them out now! But hey, my box isnt going to go anywhere when i use it.

Edited by drumsrock24
  Jordo said:
an easy way to mount the coping too is just drill holes in the sides and put screws through, how did you mount the coping?


Ya. I just drilled a hole the size of the screw head in the side and then went all the way through with a bit the size of the screw itself.


  Boarder1x9 said:
is there anywhere else to get lexan?


What justin said. I got it off of eBay, so you can look there too. If you wait a little you can get a pretty good deal. I also know that Home Depot carries it even though they are a little over priced. But who knows each store may be different. You just have to look around.


Do NOT buy polycarbonate from eBay.


90% of all orders I ever got from eBay turned out to be plexiglass, which is exactly what you don't want. Only get it from a reputable source like McMaster or OM. An easy way to tell is to try snapping a corner off with pliers. If it crushes, its plexiglass. If it does nothing, its polycarbonate. You should only need 1/8" maximum for your box....it's not that expensive.

  Boarder1x9 said:
oh yea it is cheaper for 1/8 you sure thats thick enough tho

I've never had a problem with eBay. I used 3/8" thick lexan. I would think 1/8" would be too thin to countersink screws in it, but you could probally use liquid nails though. I used 3 sheets. 2x 4' sections and a 2' section that I cut myself.

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