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Hey everyone, i need a pair of skies, That can do everything park and mountain. I am a noviced skier not looking for the top on the line skies just something to get me by. And if you can give some advice on boots too please. This would defently help!





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Dude I'm bustin chops... pontoons aren't worth a shit anywhere on the east coast...And Bluebird is based off your spellingBoots - Never buy boots based off someone else's review... the only good boots are ones that fit you. Get to a reputable shop and get fitted properly, shell checked, etc... The most expensive boot on the market that all the pros wear ain't worth a damn if it don't fit you right.As far as skis go, it depends on a LOT of factors that you didn't mention...Park, All Mtn, Carving, Race, Beginner, etc.. Different flexes, shapes, sizes, etc.. All depends on what YOU need..


If you leave your skiing style, ability (be honest), height, weight, home mountain, and any other info you can think of about yourself I'm sure some of our skiers will be able to help you.


thanks schifdawg i am an itermediate skier, 5 foot, 120 lbs, mostly skie bear creek and sometimes jack frost, big boulder, i have been skieing since i was 5. but just started park last year and i and beginer in the park but i do skie all the trails at bear.and thanks to phillycore


I guess if I were in your shoes. I would want the most popular name brands, is that what you are asking? If it is then I am going to put a plug in for the products that I am most familiar with.


Go with Armada AR6 and Salomon SPK. as mentioned, try on the boots first before deciding if they are the right fit for you.


If you really want some help and education via message boards for park equipment, go to newschoolers. this is an extremely fast moving forum and if you search certain brands you can get volumes of comments and reviews. Best of Luck. Click here for Park Equipment Information


rossi scratches... i love them. so good all mountain. i kept them out of the part last year, well, except for jumps. i kept them off rails for the year and used the salomon foils for park last year.




Are you looking to focus on progressing in the park mainly? Or are you looking for an all mountain tool that you can mess around in the park here and there...


Boots... seriously go out and get fit for them and tell the boot fitter what you plan to use them for... they'll set you up with what they think is best for you then you need to work with the fitter to find what fits you and your needs... there is no simple answer to this honestly. Trust me, I've been through tons of boots in the past few years trying to get something that works for me and finally got something that seems to be right this time around after getting fit properly. A lot of people on here suggest Nestors for boots, I personally got fitted at the ski bum from Chris and he took the time to work out what I needed.


I'm not by any means anywhere near the best skier on here... I'm not the one to be suggesting any skis either as I'm not qualified in that area... skiforfood, and justo both work at ski retailers and could possibly point you in the right direction... you really need to tell them exactly what you are looking to do, etc.. the more info the better.. like schiff said above height, weight, ability all helps too... There's good equipment out there in all price ranges, but cost shouldn't be the main factor in choosing the right equipment... it obviously is a big factor when choosing between certain models, but cheap gear is exactly that.... cheap Sometimes it's better to buy older models, etc.. which can be gotten for a lot less than current year equip. and made a lot better than the current year cheap equipment..


Phillycore has great advice! Without seeing your foot it's tough to suggest a boot. We are in totally different markets you guys all ride stuff that no one around here even asks about. Out of the box I think Tecnica has the best fit (but I also get paid to say that) but I full heartedly agree with it. Head is also making great boots these days and their prices aren't bad either. Definetly get yourself into a shop. Go in the morning when the stores are slow and the best bootfiters (the full time shop guys) are working and can devote some time for you. It's a process of elimination and a process of finding what boot you personally like best.As far as skis go... What exacttly is your budget?Foils are great they ski all mountain and park wonderfully! I've owned a pair for the last three seasons and though I'm not going to ski them much this year, I still swear by them. The Rossi Scratch's aren't bad but you need to go with last year or older. The knew Ghetto is a true park ski. Volkl Wall is an awesome ski, but might be more than you are looking to spend.See what your local shop has left over from last season, you can probably get a pretty good deal ans a better ski for the buck. I'll be looking forward to more info about yourself tomorrow night and then I should have more advice for you!Think Snow!One more thing.... You need help on Skis not Skies! :lol::wiggle


I would go with what papa said. AR6 is good choice. I still have my ar5's from 2 years ago and they are still in great condition ,and i beat them up hard. As for boots I would go to a ship and get fitted for them. SKP's are nice and all, but you want a boot that fits you.


thank you for everything and forget about the boots and if your confused i am looking for an all moutain ski that can do both park and moutain but mainly moutain. But when i am in the park i will use them just for the boxes.

  phillycore said:
sounds like me.... check out the k2 public enemy, all mountain park ski...


silencers. they come from the old PE mould, but they only cost $299. those or nothin but troubles are hands down the best bang for your buck on any ski shop wall.


FWIW I took Justo's advice on skis last year and couldn't be happier, so I'd look into last years PE or this years silencer (since he said it was based off last years PE mold) being as your skiing focus seems like it's the same as mine... All Mountain twin tip with the occasional jump and box.


My Thoughts...


All The Lines Skied Like Crap... I don't reccomend them to anyone.


The Silencer is not last years PE. It's the mold of the original Enemy. The PE is unchanged for this season. The Silencer is a great bang for the buck and looks super sweet with a pair of white Salomon z-10's or z-12's on it. The PE is a better all mountain ski and only a touch more on the price. Still not a ski I would whole heartdly reccomend, but it is an option.


Keep us in the know! I know I'd love to hear about what you get!


P.S. Don't buy online! Support your local shop! They need it!


Yeah whatever you get post back on how you like your purchase...

If $$ wasn't an option I'd probably have picked up a pair of volkl bridge's this year... they look sick, and I've read nothing but good things on the karma from last year.

  phillycore said:
Yeah whatever you get post back on how you like your purchase...

If $$ wasn't an option I'd probably have picked up a pair of volkl bridge's this year... they look sick, and I've read nothing but good things on the karma from last year.

I almost got a pair of bridges for this year. Instead I went with the walls, $600 is way to much for me. But so far I love my walls even tho their not mounted, just the way the flex pattern is on them seems like they will be solid on jumps and rails.

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