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Who scored any Black Friday deals ?? (LONG POST)

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The wife had me out shopping for over 12 hours, but I did score some hot deals...

K-mart was open on thanksgiving and I live less than a mile from it so figured WTF, they had the spiderman and spiderman 2 movies for like $5 or some crap so

I figured wtf I'll go snag them. Mad people up there heard there were people waiting outside the store since 3am. Not me I walked in there at 7:20 (they opened at 7) and

scored my movies, but couldn't find the king kong movie that was also on sale..(scored later on at walmart friday) I heard this dude and an employee getting into it, so I was listening in...turns out he was in line and they gave him a ticket for a 32" tv for $419 but he didn't get one.. They went looking into the back stock and found 6 more of them, 5 of which they didn't hand tickets out for to those people who waited in line at 3am and shit. I was like yo man let me get one of those tv's you just found and score 32" lcd tv for $420 was mine. I don't need one, but that was a good deal and I figured I had to buy it and see what the wife said... Anyway she said I can kep it for the bedroom if I gave my current 20" to the kids for their bedroom (current 19" tube style.) N/p Tv is mine.. woot woot.

Then Friday Some ghetto ass department store named value city opened up at midnight and was giving cards away to first 500 peeps in there.. $10 off $20 purchase.. OK cool I'm in, I'll find something for $20 pay $10 and bolt. Wife, 12yo, and me all roll up there about 10:45 to get in line. 100 or so people already there, but I'm thinking F it we only need to be in the top 500 so we'll sit in the car where it's warm. 15 mins later mad rush of people start coming, ok we get out freeze our asses off in line and the guy comes out to start passing out the tickets.. He passes them out down the line and hands us ours then gets called back in the store by another employee. They open the doors and we walk into the store and hear the people behind us say to the guy we didn't get our ticket. He says get it from the guy over there... so my wife walks over too, gets another one and tells me to go get one for my 12y/o who didn't get one so I got one for him. We now have $40 Saweet.. we picked up some toys and crap for the kids, and my son bought some silver necklace for his g/f b-day or whatever.. Took us 2 hours to check out and we didn't get out of that store till 3am, but it was cool cause nowhere else opened until at least 4.

At 4 kohls opened so we headed there only to find another mob scene of people waiting in line... for what I dunno cause they weren't giving away shit so no need to wait in line I say.

We wait in car till like 3:58 then start walking to the store.. they open the doors and everyone from the line starts rushing in there, we just walked right in, F that line oh well got in there and bought what we needed to get and bolted out. (I was rushing the wifey out of there cause I knew that sports authority opened at 5:30 and were giving away cards worth somewhere between $10-$100 to the first 100 peeps in.) We went to TSA and there was already like 10 people in line, waited till 4:45 and started getting crowded 25 or so people, I was like I'm going (this was one of the only places I even cared about on this whole outing...lol) She got in line with me and my 12y/o took a nap in the car. DAYAM it was cold as hell now and we were freezing. Doors opened up at 5:30 and we got out cards, caled out to the car for my son and told him to hurry and get in line to see if he could make the cutoff or not. He did and got one too. These were scratch off cards and mine ended up being $25 as did my wife's while my son got $10. WERD!! $60 worth of free ski gear for me at TSA!! Picked up a pair of Burton Sizzler gloves which were on sale for $30- $25 gift card = $5 (Delaware no tax), my son needed poles so we went and got him some swix poles for what we thought was $29, but scanned in at $19.99 the lady at the register told us we needed to spend the $25 in order to use it so we snagged a transworld snowboard mag and a piece of .05 gum off the counter and bamn ski poles for a net .97 or something like that. My wife used the $10 card on something, but I dunno what she got as she was obviously getting something for me and snuck off to the register. Left TSA at 6am and headed to KB toy store for some High School Musical thing for my neice as well as some Cars toys for my kids. Left there and headed to Target which opened at 6. Took about 20 mins to find a parking spot. Got in the store, ma people biggest crowd of the trip so far, but they had tons of registers and a boatlod of inventory so we were cool. I've never seen so many people walking out with tv's in my life. One guy had 6 big ass lcd's or plasma's or something all stacked up on one cart... We were there to get some play doh, doodle pro's, and some other crap for the kids, not to mention the $3 and $5 dvd's I always stock up on. I also picked up one of those r/c havoc helicopters for $15 I wanted that for me as I think it would be fun to F around with. After Target we headed back to Pa. and to the toys r us. Mad people we walked in and the line was ridiculous, said F this and went to Mickey D's for what felt like lunch but was actually breakfast. Damn even the Mickey D's was packed..left went over to the mall (Granite Run) so I could see if models had any of the $20 75th Eagles jersey's left still... No luck there, went to FYE so my son could use this gift card he had laying around, and hit up the game stop for some used PS2 games, then headed to JC penney for some knife set and a gift card, Got out the mall and went to the Wallmart picked up some smoothie maker for my mother, a boatload of dvd's and some other crap. It was now 11am and we were tired as hell been out for literally 12 hours now and had to get back home cause my mother was watching the two little ones and had to go to work at noon. Then a slept until 3 when my wife woke me the F up to go out and do more damn shopping. This time to the michaels, and then k-mart (WTF I was just there Thursday), and then back home for more sleep. It's now almost 11am on saturday and my wife isn't home from shopping yet and she left at like 8 this am. She did drop off donuts for me and the kids though while picking up some store ad. Needless to say I'm broke now and she has pretty much cleaned out out vacation club and she doesn't have any plans of stopping either.. not to mention the newspaper guy just dropped the Sunday paper off and it's chock full of more damn sale ads..


If you actually read all this thanks.... it took me an hour to type it all.... and fwiw I'm stoked that I at least got some new gloves out of the whole ordeal...

Posted (edited)
  toast21602 said:
my buddy got a 30 gig Zune for $75. not bad at all.


Ya my lil bro scored 3 of those on woot.com the other day for like 80 a piece. Hes tryin to flip them on ebay.


I stopped by Staples yesterday at like 8pm just to see if they had anything left and scored a 4gb compact flashcard for my camera for $37 all said and done. I saw a few places that were selling them for like $27 in the ads, but I don't think they were as nice as this one and I'll gladly pay $10 extra bux to walk in at 8pm and be the only one in the store rather than wakeup at 5am. It was marked down from like $100, and on the highest jpeg setting on my camera I can get 2,200 pics. Didn't really see much else cuz it looked like they took all the crazy deals away at like 11am, and I had no desire whatsoever to approach Best Buy or Circuit City.

Edited by T*Maki

best buy and CC are always a nightmare... we did stop by there last night though and got a 2gb memory stick for my sons psp for $20

I picked up one of those brown zune's for $100 couldn't get it in time for the $75-$89 deals out there $100 for 30gb is still a steal though


i didnt get up early. actually rolled out of bed around 11 and went to dicks. got a $99 interchangeable columbia jacket(as a backup but i think i like it more than the one i have) and a $20 poker set. the cashier hander me a $20 dollar gift card because i spent at least $100, not sure what to buy with it tho


ended up sleeping in that day with the wife. didn't want to make her go through the ordeal.

she's prego but always wants to go everywhere.

big/vicious crowd + prego wife = something not good lol


maybe next year. or maybe not. i'll just read people's post about it. . .

  • 3 weeks later...

dont you guys know? its all about cyber monday, baby, haha. im all about not having to deal with that mess, but i read an article that cyber monday is on the decline and that i hope isnt true.

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